Shot in the dark.

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I never new what it was like to have a real family because my mom and dad got a divorce when I was seven. My family moved to Dorado for a new start after they married but after a few years everything went down hill.I was under the custody of my mom after they separated. Cathrin, my mom, never remarried but my dad, Glenn, remarried his first love. My mom hates me because I look like my dad, and my dad doesn't want anything to do with my mom so I never see him.

Today's the day that pack up all my belongings and leave this curse. I rub my (h/l) (h/c) then I grab my suitcase. I start with my clothes, then a few of my books, Lord of the Rings may be old but it's one of my favorite books. Before I could grab my black hoodie I see a photo my mom took six days before the divorce. My dad smiling hand on my right shoulder, left arm wrapped around my mom, my mom holding my hand with her right arm, left arm taking the picture, with a small smile on her face, and me waving at the camera eyes closed smiling the biggest smile I ever did. Looking at the picture people would think of us as a happy family but we weren't nor ever will be.

Shaking my head I put the picture down and grab my hoodie. My heart raced as I grab the now full suitcase and start to head to the door. The house I never called home creaked under the wind and my footsteps echoed through out the abandoned hallway.

This is it. My last chance to a better life, to a better future. I start walking as I feel the adrenaline going through my veins then when I open the door I run. I never look back but I hear the door slam shut so loud it probably woke my mom up.

The night sky is clear, the moon is full, and you could see the stars glittering like diamonds. I start to walking not really caring where I go just that I don't run into the Los Muertos gang.

I look around and see no one but I can't help but feel like I'm being followed so I test it by walking randomly but that was my worst mistake because I'm now in the Muertos territory. The felling intensifies as fear starts to creep into my system. I try to turn back but then I see this omnic being beaten with steel covered bats. It covers its head in fear as the gang start to kick and hit it with the bats. They start cursing at it in Spanish but I can only understand a few words.

The onmic makes eye contact with me and I get this feeling of regret. Regret that it would have helped me if I was the one being beaten and I wouldn't help it. Mustering up the false courage I had I stutter-yelled at them.
"H-hey! You o-over there. Leave th-that omnic alone!"

They stop hitting the omnic to look at me. They start to laugh sinisterly and start to walk towards me. The reason I seem so confident is because I'm paralyzed with fear. As they walk up to me I close my eyes and hope they don't hurt me too much. I wait for the pain to happen but it never came.

I open my eyes and see this older guy with a blue jacket. I look at his back and see there's 76 with red and yellow outline. He starts to fight them but I don't pay attention to it. I rush to the omnic and pick it up. Heavy was an understatement on how this omnic felt but I couldn't leave it. I quickly grabbed it under its arms and start to drag it to an ally where it can at least reboot itself. Before I could fully cover it I look back and see bullets flying everywhere, some heading towards us. With strength I didn't know I had I pushed the omnic to be fully covered by the ally.

I didn't even feel it as it went through my body but it never bled. I look at the hole in my stomach and see it's not even there. Scared I looked up to see another bullet, this time near my heart. I heard the loud bang of the guns firing more bullets as it went through my chest. Last thing I saw before blacking out was the omnic and the older guy crowding around me.

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~nightmare out

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now