Chapter 3 - The Party

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"The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?" Mr. Tanner asks, walking around to the front of his desk. No one puts their hand up, so he chooses someone at random. "Miss Bennett?" He asks Bonnie. Bonnie's head shoots up.

"Um... a lot?" She guesses, and everyone lets out a quick laugh. "I'm not sure, but like a whole lot," she finishes.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennett," He says snarkily.

"Jack ass," I mumble to Matt, who lets out another quick laugh. Mr. Tanner's head turns towards him.

"Mr. Donovan, would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" Mr. Tanner snaps.

"Its okay Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it," Matt says, being a smart ass, as usual. Everyone laughs at his remark.

"Hmm, Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the towns most significant historical events?" he says. Everyone looks at Elena.

"I'm sorry, I - I don't know," She stutters.

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons Elena, but the personal excuses ended with summer break." He gives a snide smirk. I boil with anger. How dare he? I stand up.

"That was a low move," I bite back, gritting my teeth. Everyone's head, including Mr. Tanner's, snaps to my direction.

"Sit down Amara, the same thing goes for you." He goes to turn around.

"Look at me," I say. He scoffs and turns around. "You're a jack ass."

"Go to the principals' office now, Miss Gilbert," he says calmly. I shake my head.

"Not before I tell you this. Since you started teaching me, you have been negative and rude to this entire class. To tell my sister and I that we have to be over our parents' death is totally rude and uncalled for. You're a jack ass and you know it," I say, pointing at his face. Everyone laughs at Mr. Tanner. "Now I will go to the principles' office and tell him how much of a dick you have been this year. Toddle loo. Oh, and enjoy your job while it lasts," I threaten and wave at him, and then give him the finger. He stands there with his mouth open as I leave the classroom.


Elena and I decided to turn up at different times for the party tonight, seeing as I had to deal with Aunt Jenna because of what I said to Mr. Tanner today. I did get my way though. Tanner won't have a job at Mystic Falls by the end of the semester. I walk along the dirt path to the party, heading towards the music when I see a blonde-haired Stefan ahead of me. I run up and slip my arm between his, making us link arms.

"So Toto, how have you been since you last saw me? I ask. Stefan smirks.

"Oh, I've been dreading every moment since you left," he jokingly replies, and I laugh. I then notice that Caroline has spotted Stefan and I.

"Here we go," I mutter to Stefan, who looks a bit confused. Caroline and I don't necessarily get along well.

"Hey, you made it!" She says to Stefan.

"Hi to you too, Caroline," I mutter under my breath. She looks at me, shaking her head slightly, but quickly looks back at Stefan.

"I did."

"Well lets get you a drink!" She says turning around, trying to drag Stefan with her.

"Well, I'm a -"

"Oh come on." 

"Look, Caroline, Stefan isn't into you, he's into my sister okay?" She turns around to face Stefan and I. I look at Caroline and push Stefan away from her. Once we are far enough away I sigh.

"Thanks," he smiles.

"Elena's over there," I tell him, pointing to my sister. He smirks at me and walks away towards her. I like Stefan- he will be good for Elena. A pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" A humble voice whispers in my ear..

"Ooo, I don't know. It couldn't be Matty Blue Eyes, could it?" I ask, with a snide smile on my face.

"Ding ding ding," He says, and I turn around to face him. A strand of hair is in his face. I move the strand away and for a second, we just stare into each other's eyes. With him expecting it, I grab his cup of beer and take a gulp of it. "Hey get your own," He says, grabbing the cup back.

"Fine then, don't share," I sulk, pretending to be sad. I look past his varsity jumper to see Jeremy following Tyler and Vicki into the woods. "I'll be back, I have to save my brother," I sigh.

"Come back in one piece, will ya?" He laughs.

"No promises," I smirk at him before following my brother.

"Ty stop," I hear Vicki moan. Eww. "Ty please stop, no. It's not gonna happen, not here, not like this," Vicki struggles.

"Hey, leave her alone," Jeremy calls. My brother, the idiotic hero.

"Hey, you're really starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert," Tyler says, getting up in Jeremy's face. Here's where I come to the rescue.

"Piss off Tyler. Just go and stay the hell away," I snap as I step through the small clearing.

"Stay the hell away from me Tyler," Vicki says.

"Wow Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first," Tyler says, making a snarky response.

"Wow, Tyler Lockwood gets punched in the face and runs like a little girl," I mimic him. I push him away. He turns around and walks in the opposite direction. Jeremy turns to me.

"I didn't need your help," he snaps.

"Yea and I didn't need you Jer," Vicki adds, making Jeremy turn around. I roll my eyes.

"You're welcome," I mutter and walk away, not really wanting to hear the 'lovebirds' bicker. I walk really far away so that I can't even hear the music anymore. I'm stepping and climbing over trees that have fallen over. Fog starts rolling in again, just like it did in the grave yard. "Matt is that you? I could really use someone to talk to," I say, turning around.

No one is there so I hurriedly walk away. I hear a branch snap behind me. Oh no, this is gonna be like those horror movies, isn't it?  Don't turn around; keep walking. But I'm me, and I don't listen to common sense, so I turn around. When no one is there, I sigh. When I turn around, I can't see who or what it is, but something's bitting into my neck.

"Help!" I scream over and over again. I feel myself wearing and my eyes start to drop closed. I collapse to the floor. I reach my hand up to my neck and feel the blood trickle down. My breathing becomes faster and I can't scream anymore.

"Jeremy!" I hear my sister yell. "Jeremy! Where the hell are you going?" she says a final time.

"I don't want to hear it," my brother complains. Someone steps on my leg and I'm too weak to move. I feel someone breathing on me. They gasp. It's Jeremy.

"Yeah, well too bad," Elena says.

"Amara? No!" He cries. I feel my eyes closing again, but I force them to stay open. "Oh my God, Oh my God!"

"Amara!" Elena screams. I lean forward and take a big gasp of air. Suddenly I'm being carried away by someone.

"Help!" Elena yells.

"Amara? Amara! What the hell?" Matt calls, rushing to my side.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" Bonnie cries. I blink a few times, seeing everyone around me.

"Vampire," I mutter. That's the last thing I remember.

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