Chapter 24 - Impulsive Decisions

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I see Damon near the lounge door. Elena follows me as I make my way through the crowd and over to him. He grabs my hand and pulls me away from everyone else as Elena follows behind.

"What is it, did you find him?" Elena asks him.

"There were signs of a struggle in an upstairs bathroom. There was blood, and that Amber girl is missing." He says.

"Oh, My God." Elena mumbles. "He wouldn't hurt her. He won't." Elena mumbles again making up excuses for him.

"Let's just find him, okay?" Damon replies. Looking at me, still holding my hand. "Let's get your coats, come on," Damon adds. Still holding my hand, pulling me, towards the front of the house. As soon as I get my coat I dash towards the woods. I hear a girl screaming, so I run towards it, I look behind me and I see Elena far behind. I see Amber on the ground, still alive, but barely. I run over to Stefan and pull him off her. Elena and Damon still not catching up. I stadle Stefan to hold him down.

"Stefan," I say, He struggles, trying to get out of my hands. "listen to me, have control, don't think about it, think about your love for Elena," I say. He doesn't listen. I hold him down, but I still can't see them. I have an idea. "Damon I'm sorry," I whisper. While Stefan looks at me, I grab his face and kiss him. Please just work. He stops squirming, but what surprised me most, is that he started to kiss back.

"Stefan!" I hear Elena yell. I push him away, feeling embarrassed and guilty. What just happened. My god. I don't have time to pin Stefan down again, because he flings me and I hit a tree, injuring my back. I scream out in pain.

"Stefan!" Damon yells looking at me on the floor. He rushes to my side, biting into his arm and shoving into my mouth, gee. I need his blood a lot don't I. "Come on man. Get control of it. Come on." Damon says. "It's okay. Come on." Damon gets up and runs to Elena pushing her back away from Stefan as he moves closer to Stefan. Damon gets to Damon and touches his shoulder hoping to calm him down. "Breathe through it man." Stefan grabs Damon by the collar and flings him into a tree. Damon groans in pain.

"Damon!" I yell rushing to his side. I look at Stefan. I get up and walk over to him. I grab his face. He breathe's heavy. "Stefan, fight it," I say. He just looks at me and bites into my neck again. I can't get him to stop. I struggle to breathe and I start falling.

"Stefan, stop it!" Damon yelled. He ran vamp speed and pushed him off. Stefan stood up and went to feed on me again, but he stopped in his tracks and placed his hands on his head. He was groaning in pain. I looked behind Elena to see Bonnie. She must be using her witch voodo on him. He fell to the floor in pain. After a minute she stopped. I, however, was still bleeding out in pain, and Damon was on the floor unconscious from Stefan punching him and throwing him into another tree.

Stefan looks at me, then Damon and Amber. He gasps and I see tears falling down his face. My breathing becomes worse and Elena rushes to my side, and because Damon was unconscious she had to dial 000 (911). Stefan looked into Elena's eyes and he saw fear. He saw that she was afraid of him. He ran off into the forest. Elena paid attention to me and placed her jacket against my wound. I started to breathe a little again, but it wasn't the best. I was still struggling.


"Amber doesn't remember what happened." Liz Forbes, Caroline's mother said to Damon, Bonnie, and Elena. A cloak is wrapped around my shoulders as the paramedics look at my neck, patching it up. "I'll talk to Amara in a minute." Liz lies. She already talked to me, and I told her the truth. I said it was a vampire. Obviously, I didn't tell her it was Stefan, I just said it was a vampire and I didn't see it faces.

"It's a good thing the girls got here when they did. She lost a lot of blood." Damon said.

"You didn't see anything?" Liz said worriedly. Elena turned and looked at Bonnie. Bonnie shook her head.

"No. I heard my sister scream, we just found her and then I called Damon using my sister's phone." Elena lied. Damon nodded.

"Is Amara going to be okay?" Bonnie asked. Liz, our sheriff.

"Looks like it, yeah." Liz nods.

"Why don't you girls go home? I'll take Amara home." Damon says.

"Yea, Damon and I can take it from here," Liz says, trying to push them away.

"Thanks." Elena nods. She grabs Bonnie's arm and pulls her away. Once they get a few metres away, Liz turns to Damon.

"They didn't see the bite mark, did they?" Liz asked worriedly.

"No, I got here before they got too close. There was too much blood, they couldn't see it clearly." Damon lies.

"Well we still have a problem." Liz says.

"Whats that?" Damon aks her confused.

"Amara wasn't made to forget. She remembers that it was a vampire." Liz says.

"She's a founding family member Liz, maybe we should just tell her," Damon explained.

"Yea maybe,"Liz said looking at me. I just stare at the two of them. I push away the blanket and walk over to the two of them.

"What's going on in this town? People being drained of blood, and you keep covering it up by saying that it's animal attacks. Now I know it's not, I don't want to be lied to."

"Vampires are real. And the founding families have a council, to protect the town from them." Damon says. I look at him surprised that he even decided to tell me especially in front of Liz. Liz looked shocked at the fact Damon told me.

"Great," I said. "Count me in," I say. Liz lets out a laugh.

"You're a minor, not happening," Liz says.

"Yea expects I'm the only one that's been bitten and been alive to tell the tale, and for some reason, Amber doesn't remember. I'm not taking no for an answer." I push. Raising my eyebrows at Liz.

"Fine." She huffs. "Tell nobody." She points at me, as she storms off.

"You really need to heal me so I can take this bandage off," I say. Damon laughs.

"Seriously that's what you say." He says laughing.

"Well what happened is too damn depressing so..." I say. I look at the floor. I kissed Stefan. I know I'm not dating Damon so it shouldn't matter but, Elena is my sister. "Damon I have to tell you something," I say looking at the floor. We stop and stand still.

"What's up?" He said lifting my chin up with his hand.

"I'm really sorry but before you and Elena showed up, I had Stefan pinned and I was trying to distract him from his hunger, I said different things about trying to focus on his love for Elena but it didn't work. So I kissed him." I said, shying away from his hand. He didn't say anything. "And now I feel so guilty. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He said, placing his hand on my check. "The fact that you told me and apologised to me, shows me that you care about me." He smiles.

"Thank you," I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For this." I lean in and kiss him again, and I'm not gonna lie, I love it.

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