Chapter 27 - Isobel

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Elena, Stephan and I walk into the cafeteria, where students are making floats for the parade on Saturday. I see Alaric coming towards us.

"Hey, Mr. Saltzman," Elena says politely. 

"Come with me." He says seriously. He turn around. "We need to talk." I look at Elena. What's going on?


I'm sitting on a desk in the middle of Ric's history classroom. Someone opens the door and I stiffen up. Damon comes through the door, wearing the same leather Jacket he wore yesterday. Does that thing get washed?

"Damon. Thanks for coming." Alaric says. He is at the head of the classroom, as Elena sits to the far side on the left, Stefan, however, sat next to me. I can tell you Elena wasn't very happy.

"Sorry, I'm late." Damon sighs. "The dog ate my, uh... never mind." Damon jokes, normally I would laugh, but this time, no. Damon smirks at himself until he looks around the room. Especially at me. "What's  with all the furrowed brows?" Damon asks.

"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric said, sounding really bad. I feel bad for the guy. She pretended to be dead, and she doesn't even have the courtesy to say sorry to him.

"Isobel's here? In town." Damon's brows become furrowed. He looks at me. I gulp. Stefan places a hand on my back to comfort me. My face scrunches up in confusion. What is he doing? I look Damon in the eyes. He seems tense. I look at him and shake my head. He looks back at Ric. Stefan stops rubbing my back. "Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?" 

"No," Alaric answers, his hands sliding into his pockets. I see the sadness across his face. I feel sad for him, and Elena. Quite frankly I couldn't care less. She's rude, she destroys lives, she careless, and I hate her.

"No, they're not?" Damon double checks.

"No, I didn't ask." Alaric answers.

"What about the invention?"

"Didn't ask."

"Does she know about the tomb of vampires?"

"I-I don't know." He answers, nervously.

"Did words completely escape you?" Damon basically yells, he gets really close to his face. Ric looks like he is about to knock Damon to his Ass.

"Damon back off. He was probably distracted by the fact he was looking at his death, and now vampire wife to ask any questions." I yelled at him. I get up and walk to him, turning him around. "Please stop." I look into his eyes. He nods and I walk back to the desk I was sitting on before.

"Okay then, do you know what she wanted?" Damon asked.

"She want's to see me," Elena said. Damon's head snapped to me.

"She doesn't want to see me, didn't even bring me up in conversation," I say. He sighs in relief. 

"Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting," Elena said. "We don't know why or what she wants."

"Elena." I turn to her. "You don't have to see her if you don't want to."

"I don't really have a choice," Elena says.

"She's threatening to go on a killing spree," Alaric muttered.

"Oh. I take it that's.. not ok with you guys." Damon smirks. I smile at him. That's Damon summed up for you right there.

"I want to do it. I want to meet her. If I don't, I know I'll regret it." Elena nods. Her hands clasped together. She looks at me. I wish she wouldn't but she will, she doesn't want anyone to get hurt, like ever.

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