Chapter 30 - The Device

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Damon and I stroll around the street's, talking and laughing. We were surprised when Anna vamped in front of us.

"You're still around?" I asked, scoffing. She grabs mine and Damon's arm and pulls over to a quiet spot.

"Ther is something you guys need to know," She lets go of our arms. "The vampires from the tomb are planning on an attacking tonight."

"How do you know this?" Damon asks skeptically.

"I went to them. They think that I'm on their side, but I'm not." She says shaking her head. "They want the founding families dead." She informs us. Damon looks at me.

"When is this supposed to happen." He snaps his towards Anna again.

"Tonight when the fireworks start." She says slightly sound depressed.

"John Gilbert wants to use that invention on them." Damon puts 2 and 2 together.

"We can't be here." Anna worriedly says.

"It doesn't work." I pause. "It's been deactivated."

"Well, then a lot of people are gonna die," Anna replies.

"Where are they right now?" Damon questions.

"They're already here, Damon." He looks at me. I grab his arm and I start hurriedly walking away.

"When need to find Elena and Stefan," I demand. I spot Ric talking to a bunch of people. I run over to him.

"Ric," Damon says. He turns around and faces us. "You keep those nifty little vamp weapons in the car?"

"Yea. Why do you ask?" He questions.

"Because this square is crawling with tomb Vampires, I think we might need a stake or two," I inform him.

"Got it." He answers before hurriedly walking towards his car. I stand still, seeing Elena and Stefan. I nod at Damon and we walk up to them, Damon grabbing Elena's hand, and I grabbed Stefan's. They look at us like we are crazy.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" Elena asks.

"Saving your life," I answer.

"15 words or less, Tomb Vamps are her. Founding families are the target. Get them out of here. Now." Damon answers letting go of Elena's hand. I let go of Stefan's.

"Wait, I'm coming with you," I say to him.

"No, you're not. Stefan keep her here." Stefan nods. Damon looks into my eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt." He says, he turns around, walking away.

"Wait. Jer's out here somewhere." Elena says.

"Let's go find him," Stefan says because he was too busy with Elena they ran off leaving me stranded. I turn to the stage and watch as the mayor gathers everyone's attention.

"For 150 years." He starts. "Mystic falls has been the kind of town, that everybody wants to call home. Safe, prosperous, welcoming, and we have the founders to thank for that, and that's why I'd like to dedicate, this evening's fireworks display to their legacy. Enjoy the show!" I watch as the Mayor and Carol walk off the stage, together holding hands. I look around and see Damon enter my dad's old building. I run over to the building and watch as he confront's John. I watch as Damon falls to the floor covering his ears and screaming in pain. John pulls out a needle and I watch Damon scream in pain. My mouth wide open. Damon omg. Damon injects the needle into him, and I watch him pass out. They're collecting all the vampires.

I look around and see a policeman walking by with a needle in his hand. I fall to the floor and pretend to scream out in pain like I'm a vampire. He comes over to me and jabs the needle in my arm, I pretend to pass out. I feel him pick me up, and push open a door, carrying me inside. I hear him walk down steps until he throws me onto the floor. I try hard not to groan in pain. Once I hear him shut the door I open my eyes and search the room for Damon. There are vampires everywhere on the floor. I hear the door starting to open and I run over to a desk ducking for cover, hiding from whoever it is. I look up and see John throwing Anna to the floor. The other man down here is spilling out oil from a canister. I watch as Anna reaches out and grabs his leg, panting.

"Anna," John says looking down upon her. She groans as the man continues to through oil over everyone. "You can head up. I'll take it from here." The man puts the canister down and walks up the stairs and out. John looks back down at Anna. I watch as John pulls out the stake from his back pocket. He bends down to her.

"Please." She begs. He starts to shove it into her chest slowly. "No." She whispers. Uncle John has no remorse and plunges it into her heart. I watch on as Uncle John walks to the top of the stairs and throws a match onto the oil. He watches it burn, and watches the vampires scream in pain, before opening the door and closing it behind him. I stand up and look around the room. Where is he? I spot Damon in the far corner. His eyes slightly open. I rush over to him.

"Damon." I shake him. "Damon." He doesn't respond. He just groans. I look at my wrist. I place it over his mouth. "Drink Damon," I tell him. I feel his fangs sink into my wrist, draining my blood. He stops and sits up.

"Amara." He places a hand on my check. "What are you doing here?" Colour returning to his checks.

"I came down here to get you out," I say. When I look over to the staircase out, it's engulfed in flames. "But, I can't get us out. The fire, it'll burn us alive." I say snuggling into his shoulder. He puts an arm around my waist. I watch as Vampire's burn to the crisp. I look to my left and see Mayor Lockwood.

"Mayor is that you?" I ask. He looks over to me.

"What are you doing here?! What are you?" He asks me.

"I'm human. I came to svae Damon." I respond.

"Why's Damon here?" He asks

"He's a Vampire. What's your excuse?" I ask him. He looks at me with shocked eyes. I watch as a vampire sneaks up behind him and bites into his neck, sucking him dry. The vamp catches on fire and he screams. That only makes me jump into Damons lap more. I cough from all the smoke.

"You're gonna die down here." He says. I start to cry. He just hugs me even more. I watch as the fire on the stairs dies down.

"Damon," I say looking at the stairs. I try to stand up but I am too weak. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I see Stefan rushing down. He looks over at Damon and I. He grabs our arms and pulls us up. Damon stands up fine, I on the other hand nearly pass out into the fire. Damon and Stefan both wrap arms around my waist as they vamp me out of there. The next thing I know Damon's pushed open the door and I come coughing and spluttering out.

"Oh, my god! Amara!" I hear Elena yell. Bonnie gasps. I bend over and continue to cough. Elena rushes over to me. I look at Bonnie. Too weak to say anything, and trust me, what would have come out, wouldn't have been nice.


A/N: Hey Guys! So I'm writing the next book to this. The first chapter of that book will be up at the same time this goes up! It'd the second part to this love and drama story. It's called stuck, just click on my profile and you'll find it!

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