Chapter 13 - History

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Well, it's finally time. Another dance, another party at the Lockwood mansion, yet again. I'm so excited. Yay time for The Founders party. Note the sarcasm. I envy anyone that doesn't have to go. I sighed as I stepped out of Bonnies car with her. We didn't have dates, so we decided to be each others dates. 

Elena and Stefan were in front of us, standing at the threshold of the Lockwood mansion, waiting for the mayor to invite us in. Especially with Damon and Stefan thing, were unless they are invited in the house, they literally can't come in. Bonnie and I were welcomed inside. I just pulled her in, trying to avid Tyler before he spotted me.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink. You want one?" Bonnie asked me.

"Sure." I replied, smiling. Bonnie nodded and smiled at me in return, before turning around and began walking toward the table where the off and drinks were set up.

I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, nervously. I didn't want to be discovered by Ms. Lockwood, so I decided to walk in the middle of a large crowd, hoping that the swarm of bodies would shield me.

"Amara, sweetheart!" Ms. Lockwood called from behind me. Just the person I wanted to avoid. I rolled my eyes as I turned around, plastering a fake smile onto my face.

"Hello, Ms Lockwood." I said sweetly. 

"You look very Mature and grown up. Your parents would be proud."  She said to me. My eyes fell to the floor. I really don't want to talk about my parents. I looked back at her.

"Thank you." I replied, my voice sadder than before.'

"So, what is this that I hear about you and my son fighting?" She asked me, her eyes full of curiosity. 

"Nothing Ms Lockwood. You son and I aren't the greatest of friends. We don't get along all that well." I answered truthfully, sort of.

"Why?" She said be nosey.

"Well he disrespected me and my family." I said. In reality I would of liked to tell her that he punched me but I decided that, that isn't probably the best idea.

"Oh, you have to pardon my sons rudeness. He has quite the temper." She replied, making up excuses for him.

"Yes. Did you know that he and Vicki..." I began to say but she cuts me off.

"Vicki? Vicki Donavon?" She asked me.

"Yes Ma'am. They're together now. Didn't you know?" I asked playing along as if it wasn't a big secret. Which it actually was meant to be, but it was very clear that they were. But because Vicki wasn't the classiest girl in all of Mystic Falls, and not the best girl to exactly show off to your parents.

"Oh, no I didn't..." She said, glancing around the room. "Please excuse me." Mrs Lockwood excused herself. I nodded, smirking to myself.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around, there stood Bonnie with our drinks.

"Sorry, I would have  come over soon, but I didn't want to interrupt your conversation with Mrs Lockwood. Bonnie said politely, but she was defiantly sarcastically apologising. I rolled my eyes at her. I took the drink from her hand and took a sip. I scrunched my nose and my eye twitch. Vodka..

"Thanks Bon Bon."

"Your welcome." She responded. I looked over to the heritage display, were Elena was heading over to there with Stefan. 

I walked into the small room, where I saw Elena and Stefan staring at all the antiques.  I smiled and walked over to them. 

"There's a lot of history here.I sighed. They both turned around, slightly jumping at the sound of my voice. I giggled. I examened all of the displays. We walked over to the old scroll looking thing. It was the original guest register. "The founding families of Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founders council celebration." I said, reading the heading of the script aloud.

"Wow, its the original  founders registry. I looked down at all the names. I noticed that Damon and Stefan's names are there. Crap.

"Look at all of these familiar names: Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood..." Elena said reading them aloud. Stefan and I both stiffened. Shit. "Is that Damon Salvatore?" She asked. My eyes widened. "And Stefan Salvatore."

"The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors." Damon said, announcing his presence. We all snapped around to see Damon and Caroline strolling into the room. "Tragic story actually."

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan replied, walking closer to Damon. The both of them sending glares at each other.

"It's not boring  Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family." Elena said to Stefan nudging him slightly. 

"Well, i'm board. I want to dance, and Damon won't dance with me." Caroline whined, shooting Damon a playful glare.

"Mm-mm." Damon hummed in response. 

"Ph, uh..." Elena stumbled awkwardly with her words, glancing at Stefan to speak up and save her from his embarrassing moment.

"I don't really dance." Stefan said.

"Oh, sure he does. You should se him. Waltz, jitterbug, the moonwalk, he does it all." Damon corrected, smirking at his younger brother. I glanced at Elena, to see that she looked very uncomfortable - just how I felt.

"You wouldn't mind, would you Elena?" Caroline asked. I smirked at Damon, always getting his way.

"Its up to Stefan." Elena replied. "But, I am going to find  Bonnie." She continued, smiling at me before walking out of the small room.

"Well, sorry, but i'm not going to take no for an answer." Caroline said, grabbing Stefan's hand and dragging him out of the room, leaving Damon and I alone.

"Sneaky." I said, smirking sat him. "But did you want to talk to me or Elena?" I asked.

"You." He said. "You still owe me a dance." He said, smirking. Just like always.

"You know, you told me about how you were in love with Katherine and everything, but you never told me how you turned.

"Well the Salvatore name was practically Royal in this town until the war. There was a battle here-"

"The batter of willow creek." I said jumping in. 

"Right." Damon said, slightly shocked.

"We've been learning about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired upon a church with civilians inside."

"What the history books don't say, was that the people that were killed, they weren't by accident. They were all vampires. That the founders captured. They wouldn't them rounded up and burned alive." Damon explained, walking to a model of a church that I assume is the 1864 church that was burned down. "Stefan and I had Katherine in that church.  And when we went to rescue her, we were shot in cold blood by our own father."

"I'm sorry Damon." I say. "I know you loved her, you still do. I hope you find her Damon." I told him. He lets his eyes fall to the floor before bringing them back up to me. "I just hope... your love for Katherine, will get in the way of everything you have here, in Mystic falls."

"I hope so too." Damon whispered. I walked out of the room. My head hanging low.

Inbetween - SalvatoreDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora