Chapter 23 - Miss Mystic Falls

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I'm waiting up at the top of the windy staircase, waiting for my name to be called. Elena is next to me. Names are being called down one by one. It's just Caroline, Elena and I left. Ms. Lockwood walks into the room on a mission.

"Has anyone seen Amber?" She says walking past us. No one answers. I'm looking down the staircase trying to see if Stefan is there, but I can't see him.

"Do you see Stefan down there?" I ask Elena and Caroline.

"Nope," Caroline says a bit bitterly. "Just my boring fill-in escort." She sighs. "Becuase he's taking you, I don't have a date." She says to Elena. Caroline looks at me confused. "Hey, what happened to Stefan?"

"I don't know. He just Disappeared somewhere. I don't know." I say, still looking down, trying to find Stefan.

"What am I doing?" Elena sighs. "I never should have gone through with this. You should have gone with Matt, not me.

"What do you mean?" Caroline asks. Is Elena seriously backing out? What about poor Matt, he'll have no date.

"I need to find Stefan. This isn't me. I'm not this person anymore." She says, going to walk away. I grab her arm and pull her back.

"Uh, no, no, no, no way, no," Caroline says

"If I have to do this, you're doing it too," I say, pulling her next to me.

"Plus, you had your chance to drop out, and believe me, I was all for it because there is no way that I can beat you," Caroline says, a tiny bit selfishly. Elena looks at her sympathetic.

"Elena, you're doing this because it was important to mum," I say to her.

"Ms. Caroline Forbes." Mayor Lockwood says. He is announcing everyone at the bottom of the stairs. "and her escort Jeffrey Lockwood Hamilton." I can hear the applause from downstairs. Caroline looks at us and smiles. Elena looks at me with worry.

"Elena you're up next." Ms. Lockwood says. Ushering Elena to come over.

"Ms. Elena Gilbert accompanied by Matt Donovan." She walks down the stairs, with a fake smile on her face. I watch as Matt reaches out his hand for Elena to grab and they walk down the hall outside. Oh god, Stefan Isn't even there. Crap. "Ms. Amara Gilbert accompanied by Stefan Salvatore." I put a smile on my face as I start walking down the stairs. I grab the railing. Here's to be embarrassed because you date is gone. I see Damon move through the crowd and stands at the bottom of the stairs reaching his arm out for me to grab. He is taking Stefan's place so I'm not left here without an escort. I smile at him. After the kiss last night I can't stop thinking about it. He actually kissed me. People applaud as I grab Damon's hand. We walk outside where the dance is being held.

I'll give you a little backstory about Miss Mystic Falls. So its a celebration we have that celebrates the young women of the community who have helped the innocent people of this town. A collection of people are selected by the founding families, they interview us, ask us about why we want to be miss mystic falls. Blah, Blah, Blah. When we dance, we have to flirt with our eyes, as Ms. Lockwood would say.

I see Jenna off to the side, standing next to Alaric. I stand next to Elena as Damon stands next to Matt. The music starts as I curtsy and Damon bows.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

"Right now we just have to get through this." He answers quickly as we stand up straight. The whole inter dance is about 'the simple intimacy of the near-touch.' Ms. Lockwood's word's not mine. We basically have to walk around in circles with our hands up nearly touching. We have to do it gracefully. Once it gets to the end we dance normally. You know, actually get to touch. All I can do is look at Damon. Into his eyes. His beautiful eyes. All I can think about is kissing him again. He's perfect. He is amazing, kind and he is the sexy bad boy, and I love it. The music stops and we bow and curtsy again. Everyone arounds us applauses as Damon takes my hand and walks me off the dance floor.

"I'm going to find Stefan." He says as he lets go of my hand. I watch him walk away and can't help but not want him to leave, but he has to find Stefan.


It's finally time for them to announce Miss Mystic Falls. It'll be Elena, miss perfect Elena.

"Where's Amber?" Caroline says, leaning over to Elena and me.

"I don't know." Elena answers. I just shrug my shoulders. Who knows. She probably just got nervous.

"Before I crown the winner." Mayor Lockwood starts. "I'd like to offer a personal thank you to all of these young ladies for their efforts to better our community." Mayor Lockwood and everyone else starts to applaud us. "So, without further adieu. It is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls. Ms. Amara Gilbert!" He says reaching his arm out to me. My eyes widen. What the? No way. Mr. Lockwood walks over to me, place the tiara on my head, as well as giving me a punch of red roses. He guides me to the microphone to say something to everyone, but I can't because I haven't done anything to earn this. I step up to the podium.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this but I'm going to do it anyway. There is someone here who deserves this honor more than I do. I haven't done anything for this town besides mourning my parents and dropping all of my school activities. I have done anything to help this town and for that I am sorry.

But, I do know of someone who does deserve this, She's a control freak, but I love her, and I know she wants this crown more than I think anyone on this stage does. If it's okay with her, I'd like to give up my Grown. Because this person deserves it way more than I do." I say. I walk over to Caroline taking the tiara off of my head. I stand in front of Caroline and place the tiara on her head. She smiles at me but she is in shock, happy shock. I turn around to the crowd again. "Ladies and Gentleman, It is my honor to announce our new Miss Mystic Falls, Ms. Caroline Forbes!" Everyone applauds as I hand the flowers to Caroline.

"Thank you." She says to me. I give her a hug, before standing next to Elena. She deserved this. She earned it. As soon as walked off the stage Elena spun me around.

"What are you doing? You won that fair and square." Elena glared at me.

"What do you care, you didn't win it. I did something nice Elena. I'm impulsive. I think of it, I do it. I don't have a pause and think button. I make impulsive decisions Elena, that's who I am." I said, pulling my arm away from her.

"Yea well lets hope, your impulsive decisions don't lead to anyone getting hurt," she said. I just shrugged her off.

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