Chapter 12 - The Pocket Watch

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Around Noon, I heard the doorbell ring as I was walking down the stairs. Since I was closest to the door, I decided to answer it - to be polite just this once. I opened it, and it redaveled a Lockwood standing on the porch. I rolled my eyes and try to slam the door in his face, but he stopped the door with is hand before I could get it shut.

"Look I'm sorry about the other night." Tyler said, looking down, not being able to make proper eye contact with me. I clenched my jaw.

"Whatever. Now I know you, and I know that you wouldn't have come all the way here to apologies, so what do you want." I snapped. Placing my hand on my hip.

"I'm here for my Mum. I'm supposed to pick up a box-"

"It's right here." Elena cuts him off. She walks up from behind me and hands him the wooden box. "Please be careful." She pleads to Tyler.

"Be careful, Dick or I'll rip your tongue out of your neck. Don't test me." I say in a harsh tone, glaring at Tyler. If looks could kill. Tyler gave me another apologetic look.

"Hey." Elena scolded, glancing between Tyler and I. "Not now, Okay Guys. Please."

"This wouldn't be happening right now if you haven't have tried to punch my brother and I." I growled through gritted teeth.

"Elena looked at me and mumbled quietly. "Not now please." I nodded. "Look Tyler maybe you should get going. Tell your mum I'll see you tonight." Elena said, giving a slight fake smile.

Tyler nodded in agreement, and Elena turned around and left. I was trying to successfully shut the door in his face, but he stopped it again with his hand.

"Hey, would it make a difference if I told you I was actually sorry?" He said with a sympathetic look.

"Not even if you meant it." I snapped, slamming the door.


Later Bonnie had arrived to help Elena and I decide what we were going to do with ourselves for the founder's party tonight. Bonnie and I were sitting at the kitchen table, and Elena was messing with something in the kitchen.

"Delicate flower versus Naughty Vixen." Bonnie announced, holding up two small vials of nail polish at eye-level.

"Tough call." I confessed, leaning back in my chair. "Can we mix them?" I asked. Elena walked over to the table with a dew sheets of paper-towel in her hands, folding them as she sat down next to me at the table.

"Look at you, getting all pretty for your date." Bonnie mused, giggling slightly. "You seem happy-ish." Bonnie commented, digging through her nail-kit.

"I am-ish," Elena replied, resting her hands on the table. "Tonight's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling us whatever it is you were going to tell us as soon as you walked in the door." Elena said, narrowing eyes knowingly at Bonnie.

Bonnie." I said in a warning tone. "Out with it."

"Okay, but it has to to go in the vault, because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed." Bunny responded, searching our faces, confirming that we are both agreed to her terms. Alina and I nodded, giving her undivided attention.

"Apparently, Stefan has a very interesting backstory." Bonnie begun slowly.

"Go on." I urged, assuring her that she could continue.

"do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine." Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, I know that both of them dated Katherine, and that's why they have their issues." I answered. I knew what really happened. Katherine was manipulative, and she twisted both Damon and Stefan's mind, but eventually Damon gave in and he didn't need her to compel him. Stefan on the other hand, hated the Katherine was a vampire, He was so afraid of her. But Katherine compelling him told him to love her again, and to not be afraid.

"Yeah, they both dated her, only Katherine chose Damon. And it made Stefan mad. So, he did horrible things to try and break them up, he manipulated Katherine. He filled her head with all these lies until it finally worked." Bonnie paused, and sighed, before continuing. "and she turned against Damon." Bonnie pauses yet again. "I just wanted you guys to know."

"That sounds like one persons side of the story, meaning Damons." Elena shook her head slightly.

"Sorry, I just thought you guys should know." Bonnie reminded us.

"Anyway, he's passed relationships are none of my business." Elena stated harshly. I know that Damon is lying, but I still kinda feel bad for him. He lost Katherine too, but Stefan always seems like the victim.

"Unless he's a calculating manipulative liar - that's your business." Bonnie said nodding. Elena's mouth shot open, slightly taken back.

"Stefan is none of those things." Elena, coming to Stefan's defence.

"Yeah? How do you know?" Bonnie, tilting her head.

Elena brushed off the question, as the three of us were getting ready for the party in my bathroom. Bonnie and I were curling our hair, as Alina was applying her mascara to her eyelashes. We heard the phone ring, and I look to Elena expectingly. She side and rolled her eyes.

I smirked at Bonnie, as Elena left the bathroom, and walked into her bedroom. I only caught the end of Elenas conversation.

"Hello? Hi, Mrs Lockwood... What do you mean?... It is?... Are you sure?...'because I saw it. Let me check... I will find it and bring it. Okay, bye." She hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie and I both asked. Elena just walked out of the room so I followed her as she went to Jeremys room. She smacked his headphones off his head.

"Ah, God, what's wrong now?"
Jeremy shouted, agitated with Elenas actions.

"The pocket watch. Where is it?" Elena demanded.

"What watch?" Jeremy asked, trying to play dumb. He struggled to get the head phone cord to untangle from around his neck. Elena crossed her arms over her chest.

"The one you stole from mums box. Look, Mrs Lockwood just called me freaking out, it was on the list, Jeremy. She can't find it, and she thinks she is the one who lost it."

"Maybe she did." Jeremy said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe Tyler took it." I defended Jeremy from the door way. "He is a punk, let alone a dick."

"Don't even play that card, either of you. Jeremy, you took it. If I go online, am I going to find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?" Elena accused, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

"Elena, that's enough!" I hollered out in disbelief.

"Screw you Elena." Jeremy spot, standing up from his computer chair, walking over to the bookshelf and pulling out the pocket watch in question. "I would never sell this, okay."

"Then why did you take it." Elena says, she's trying so hard to play mother hen.

"He wasn't going to sell it." I start. "it's supposed to be Jeremys. Dad said it goes to the first born son. His father gave it to him, and now what? It's supposed to go to some museum." realisation hits Elenas face. Looking extremely guilty.

"Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, okay? Mum promised Mrs Lockwood, what do you want us to do?" Elena says, trying to defend her actions.

"Hey, don't pull me into this, I was on Jeremy's side." I say placing my hands into the air, looking offended. Just like Elena trying to pull me in as well. Not happening. Elena rolls her eyes.

"just take it Elena. Get out." Jeremy replied, putting his fat headphones back on. Alina looked at me apologetically, she had so much girl in her eyes. Quite frankly I think she deserved to get served, okay maybe not literally. She needs to learn that she can't control us. She's not our mother, even if she tries.

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