Chapter 20 - Unconscious

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We pulled up at Mystic Falls high school. The Halloween bash is on, and Elena dragged me here. But I mean, if I didn't come, I would be drilled by Caroline on Monday. I was wearing the Devil-lingerie that Caroline had given to me early today. I am amazed at how well she knows me. But wearing this costume, means I'm basically dressing up as Damon, as I like to say he is the devil's spawn. Elena and I walked calmly towards the school, as Jermery slowly trailed behind us. I pulled away from Elena and stood next to Jemery. I grabbed the back of his black hoodie, he gave me a look that just read, leaves me alone, please. I looked at him.

"Let me be a cool sister, and take you to find the drinks. Unless you'd rather go with Elena. He just smiled, and before we had time to walk away. We caught up to Elena and she was talking to Matt.

"You went with last years costume too, huh?" Matt asked Elena.

"Yeah, I didn't know that I was coming till an hour ago," Elena admitted.

"I'm surprised Caroline didn't try to smother you with a costume at school," I say to Elena tilting my head.

"I left early." She said. Shrugging it off.

"And you're going as... you?" Matt said snappily to Jermey. Jer rolled his eyes.

"Matty-Blue, you're filled with the sarcasm today, aren't you?" He just gave me a smirk. I turned to Jer. "Come on, let's get you a drink." Elena's breath hitched. I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't be the fun police tonight Elena," I said. Pulling Jeremy shirt towards the punch bowl, which has definitely been spiked. I let go of Jeremy's arm to fill up two cups, but when I turn around to give one to him, he's disappeared. Great. I look at the two cups in my hand. Might as well. I gulp down both drinks. Dropping both cups on the floor when I'm done with them. I'm going to go find Damon. Yea he's here, as my date. I invited him. Usually when I come to these things. I get left alone. Elena talks to Matt, Jeremy goes to find the 'druggies', Caroline and Bonnie talk, which then that leaves me out. All the time. So I decided to not be alone and invited Damon. I wander outside and see Damon slowly make his way over to Bonnie.

"Hi stranger," I say as I catch up to him. He just looks at me. He smirks. "You're trying to find Caroline, aren't you?" I say. He smirks even more. Yep, Damon is still himself. We stride over to Bonnie who is standing by a keg that is placed right near the front of the school.

"So Where'd Caroline run off to?" I say to her. She just glares at Damon, not really paying attention to me.

"How are you even standing next to him right now Amara. You know what he did to Caroline." She says to me. I just roll my eyes.

"Yes I know, and I forgave him," I said, informing her. She doesn't even look at me, still glaring straight into Damons eyes.

"Well do me a favor and don't ask me about Caroline, while Damon is around?" She says bitterly.

"Oh, Bonnie. So loyal." Damon says smirking. I just look at the two of them talking. The tension is as thick as ice. Damon looks down at the medallion, and his eyes widen. "Where'd you get that?" Damon asks her seriously. I look at it. It's very ugly. Its yellow, and long and doesn't even match with bonnie's eyes. I can talk because I wear leather jackets, and I look awesome and hot. Bonnie looks at her necklace and holds the medallion in her right hand.

"From a friend." Bonnie lies.

"Caroline," Damon says smirking. "You know that's mine, don't you?" Damon says, moving closer to her, trying to persuade her. Bonnie takes a step back. As I move forward with Damon.

"Not anymore," Bonnie says giving snide looks at him. Wow, she should learn not to piss a Vampire off.

"Funny," Damon replies to her. He clicks his fingers. "I'd like it back please." Did he really just say please. Damon really just said please. Wow, he really does want that ugly thing.

"I'm not giving it to you, either of you." She finally glances at me for a second, before looking at Damon again. "I'll give it to Caroline, and she can give it to you if she feels like it." She says using sass.

"Or I could just take it right now." Damon goes to grab it, but once he gets ahold of it, a sizzling sound is heard. Damon pulls away from it instantly. Bonnie looks at the necklace in shock, what just happened. She quickly ran off as Damon shook his hand. Damon gasps and looks at Bonnie as she runs away. He turns to me, giving me a very confused look.

"What just happened?" I asked him. He just looked blank.

"I don't know." He said. Still looking absolute confused and blank. He looks back at his hand once again, as we both stand there dumbfounded.


Damon and I were talking outside when I heard Elena scream.

"Jeremy!" As soon as I heard it, my head shot up and before I even said anything to Damon, I ran towards the where the scream came from. I ran through the halls of the school, pushing and shoving students out of the way, I went out the emergency exit and found Elena on some crate's and Jeremy being held against the bus by Vicki. I ran over to her and grabbed her from behind, throwing her to the floor, but before I could get to Jeremy to ask him if he was alright. Teeth sank into my neck. I couldn't scream goes a hand covered my mouth, but I could hear the screams of Elena and Jeremy, telling her to stop. I could feel my self slowly falling out of conscious. I felt myself being ripped away from Vicki and throw to the floor out of the way. It was Stefan, but he didn't come over to me to heal me. So I bleed and bleed and bleed. When Elena tried to run over to me, Vicki came appeared in front of her, stopping Elena in her tracks. Vicki took two seconds before she decided to sink her teeth into Elena.

"No," I whispered. I somehow managed to get to my feet. I ran, which was more like a hobbled walk, over to Vicki and Elena and shoved Elena away from Vicki. Vicki turned and glared at me. She grabbed me again. Sinking her teeth again into my neck, but this time, I was too tired to scream for Stefan's help. This time I really did fall unconscious, and the last thing I remember was Elena and Jeremy's faces scared and screaming at Vicki to let me go, and not to kill me. All I saw was sadness, and all I could do was manage to lip I love you to them both before blanking out.

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