Chapter 6 - The Druggies

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We walk across the road to the town square. I see Stefan and rush over to him.

"Hey." I say to him.

"Hey." He replies. Matt comes over following after me. I look around at the lanterns that are hanging from trees and twinkle lights that hang upon street light to street light. It really is an amazing night.

"Hey, you haven't of happen to see my sister, have you? " He asks.

"No sorry." Stefan replies, I nod, trying to pull Matt away.

"I can't find her. She's missing." He adds.

"I'll keep an eye out for her." He says to a concerned Matt. I nod at him. Stefan turns around to walk away.

"Hey." Matt says. Stefan turns back around. "I saw you at the hospital yesterday." I gulp. Uh Oh.

"Did you?" Stefan asks. Stefan puts his hands in his leather jackets pockets.

"What were you doing there?" He ask. Lie Stefan."

"Visiting." He replies bluntly.

"Visting." Matt question him. He shakes his head. "You know, Elena and I have known each other for a long time. We might not be together, right now, but I look out for her and I always will look out for her. The same goes for Amara too." Stefan nods his head. Stefan flinches for a second. I turn around and to see what he is trying listen to, when I see a Vicki and a Damon on the roof of the mystic grill.

"Matty, I'm gonna go to the bath room okay." He nods. Paying attention to Stefan. I run to the mystic grill and entire the back, taking the staircase up to the roof. By the time I get up there, Stefan is there, try to threaten Damon.

"Not bad, have you been eating bunnies." Damon says snarky.

"Let her go Damon." I say to him. He looks over to me. Only just see that I was here. He lets go of her, just for a quick second, before grabbing her and making her look into his eyes. 

"You will forget everything I have said to you tonight. You will go on with life as normal." He says compelling her. I grab the newly compelled Vicki and basically push her all the way down the stairs. When I get down there. Matt looks over and see's Vicki with out the bandage on her wound. 

"Vicki." He says rushing over to us. I push Vicki to him.

"After you get better Vicki, I'm gonna kill you for sleeping with my brother." She just mumbles a slow and very quiet huh. I roll my eyes at her. I find Caroline and Bonnie and sit next to them. 

"Uhh, its just so much drama." Caroline complains. I pull out the wooden chair from the table. "Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" She says informing Bonnie and I. I just shake my head at Caroline and turn around to see Matt bandaging up Vicki.

"Yeah."Bonnie agrees. All three of us are watching Matt big a responsible big brother. He really is sweet. He reminds me of a big cuddly huggable bear. All of sudden my attention changes to blonde hair man. Stefan.

"Hi, um have you guys seen Elena?" Stefan asks politely.

"I think she went home." Bonnie says, giving Stefan a sympathetic smile. He nods his head and he goes to turn around, but Bonnie stops him. "I'm gonna give you Elena cell number and her Email. She is big on texting, and you can tell I said so." She grabs a random napkin and writes down my sisters information. When she finishes she looks back at him and gives him a goofy smile, while handing the napkin over to him.

"Thank you." Stefan grins. When Stefan grabs the piece of paper Bonnie's face goes from goofy and happy, to scared and shocked. Caroline and I look at each other confused, before looking at Bonnie. Stefan's eyebrows are burrowing as he also looks confused.

"Are you okay Bonnie?" I ask as I reach my hand out to touch hers. She moves it away and places both hands on her lap.

"What happened to you?" She asks. I look at her even more confused then before. "That's so rude."  She awkwardly laughs. "I'm Sorry, Excuse me." Bonnie says as she stands up and runs off. I just look at Stefan. What is she doing. 

"Yeah she kinda, wigs out. Its like her thing." Caroline says rudely.


I walk up the stairs as I head off to my room. I see someone in Jeremy's room throwing stuff everywhere.

"Jeremy?" I ask, wondering who is there.

"No it's me, the hypocritical patrol." My aunt Jenna replies. I sigh. I entire my brothers navy room. Its a mess. 

"What exactly are you doing?" I ask her as she bends over, looking through my brothers drawers. She slowly stands up, looking at me.

"I've become my worst nightmare." She sighs. "The authority figure." She looks to the left and heads over to my brothers junk pill next to his black book case. "I'm the one who has to violate a 15 year olds privacy. She digs trough it and finds a show, thats holding a green bong inside. I raise my eyebrows at the sight of it. "Jackpot." My aunt says, holding both the bong and the shoe up. "I see the hiding places haven't gotten anymore creative." She says throwing the shoe to the floor and the bong on a comfy chair under the window. I move into the room more. Walking over to the chair. I pick up the bong and hold it as aunt Jenna sighs through more stuff.

"What brought this on?" I question.

"Your Jack-ass of a history teacher shamed me good yesterday." She says, as she searches through the main set of drawers.

"You do realise that's the teacher that I got fired, right?" I tell her.

"Yea, I know. Believe me." She adds 

"You got Tannered. Been there plenty of times." I say. 

"'Discover the impossible Ms Summers.'" She says, imitating Mr. Tanner. "Got it. Thanks, like I already didn't know that I was screwing up." She says angrily. I look at my aunt with sympathy.

"You're not screwing up aunt Jenna." I sigh

"Yes I am." She says flinging a shirt across the room. "You want to know why? Because I'm not her. I'm not your mother. She made everything look so easy. You know, high school, marriage, having you." Jenna says sighing, almost on the verge of tears as she stops going through my brothers stuff for a second. I stare at her. "I can't do it. I'm gonna say or do the wrong thing, and he's gonna get worse and it's gonna be my fault." She sighs again. She stops searching and she moves away from the draws and sits on the bed across from me. Her head in her hands. "its Impossible. It really is impossible to raise two teenagers." I lean over and sit on the edge of the chair. My hands on my lap together.

"This is just the fear talking. You are a little scared, thats all." My face softens. "We all are." I say nodding. I look at the floor. I wish she wasn't this hard on herself. She is truely a great parent. She just doesn't know it yet. Jenna leans forward. "I have to go do something." I say. Jenna nods. "But first, are you gonna be okay?" She smiles at me and nods. I smile back at her. I get up and walk into the hall. I go over to Elena's room and knock.

"What?" She says.

"I'm coming in." I reply. When I walk in, Elena was in the middle of sitting up. I sit on the edge of her bed. 

"Yes?" She asks.

"Your scared." I start. She looks at me confused. "You always sit in your room. Every night since mum gave us that dairy, we would come home and write in it. We never go and express our feelings, we just feel them and right it down. We are scared of people seeing our weaker side. I know you like Stefan." I pause. She looks away. "And that's okay, but instead of keeping it locked away in a dairy, you need to get up, and go and tell him yourself. You need to be yourself and so do I."

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