Chapter 16 - I Trust You

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The halls are really creepy, the whole school is creepy, especially without students or teachers. The lights are off and everything is dead silent. The janitors closet, where the towels are, is done the back of the school, far away from everyone else. The wooden door is sleek and clean. I place my hand om the silver door handle, but it doesn't open. I swear Caroline got towels here early. I sigh, but my breathing hikes when I see a shadow in the glass on the door.

I freak and turn around, checking my surroundings. I let out a breath of relief. I start to walk back out to the car wash, but I feel something behind me, like a presence. When I turn around and see nothing again, I know it must be my imagination, what else could it be? I hear my name being called, it's a faint whisper. Okay now, now I am officially creeped out. I turn around to look again, when I feel someone or something, breathing down my back.

"Damon?" I ask, its the only person I can think of, that would try to creep me out. When I can't hear anything, I know something must be wrong.

"Amara. Help me." I can hear someone say again. Whoever it is, they are in pain. Damon, it has to be Damon. I'm sorry Caroline but I'm not staying here. I'm going to the Salvatore's, I need to save Damon.


I walk on the gravel driveway. The house is still creepy and mysterious, but glorious at the same time. I can still hear the voice in the back of my head. I stop in my tracks, maybe I am just going crazy, but if vampires exist, who knows what else does. All I know is that if Damon is in trouble, I am going to help him.

I continue to walk mindlessly towards the door when I see a black crow on the window seal. Damon, I run towards the house and swing open the front door.

"Amara." The voice gets louder and louder, I get to the hallway of the house. "Amara" I can either go left, right or straight. Great. "Amara." I turn my head towards the right and run towards the first door, swinging it open.

"Damon?" I say. The whole room is dark. I take a step down the stairs. "Damon? Are you here?" I ask I walk down to the bottom of the stairs. I see a cell down. I look through the bars on the door. Is got a massive lock, where you pull the handle the other way and you can open the door. Its made of steel and it's a little rusty. I look through the bars and see Damon on the floor, nearly passed out. "Oh my God, Damon!" I say. I place my hands on the lock and try to pull it open. "What is this place? How did I even know you were here?" I ask, my voice cracking. I pull on the handle again, still struggling to get it open.

"Because I wanted you to." Damon groans, struggling to get off the floor. "Very, Very badly." The cell is small and has an army bed in the corner. The room is dark and I would hate to be in his shoes.

"I'm gonna get you out Damon, just let me get the door open first." Damon barely is able to stand up, let alone walk. I pull with all my might to get the door open, but it still won't budge.

"Please Amara, let me out of here. Please." He begs. He puts his hands on the bars, holding them. I look at him again, he is so weak. I try to open the door again.

"I'm trying Damon, just hold on," I say again, looking into his eyes. Just as I feel the lock opening, hands grabbing from behind, pulling me away from the door. But because I didn't let go. The lock opened and Damon went to open the door, but Zach his great-great nephew or something leaned against the door, trying to push him back in, and because Damon was weak, it was working.

I grabbed Zach from behind and pulled him towards me, to let Damon out. It worked and Damon pushed the door open, standing there looking at Zach and then to me. I smirked. I found him.

"Run!" Zach yelled to me. I didn't run, I just took a step back. Damon looked at Zach again, straight into his eyes, before he grabbed him and snapped his neck right in front of me. My eyes widened as I stumbled back a bit.

"Thank you," Damon said looking at me. "Blood." He said, looking at the fridge in the corner. I looked at, before running over to it and pulling it open. Blood bags. Loads of blood bags. I pulled one out and shivered. Eww. I tossed it to Damon as he popped the cap off and sculled it. I grabbed another, as he finished the last. It was completely drained. He threw it to the floor as I tossed him another. I shut the fridge, well more like esky. I walked over to Damon. I picked up his right hand.

"Stefan took your ring," I said to him, sighing. He looked at his hand. He pulled it away.

"Damn it." He said banging the wall.

"You'll get it back, he just needs a little persuasion," I said to him, smirking. He looks at me. He goes to walk again, but he stumbles again. I grab him to prevent him from falling. "Do you need another blood bag?" I ask him worriedly. He looks at me.

"No. I need blood from the vain." He states. I look at my arm before reaching it out to his mouth.

"Here," I say, offering my blood. He shakes his head.

"No, I could hurt you." He says, pushing my arm away. That's the Damon I like, the one who is kind. But I also love the bad boy. I grab his shoulder.

"I know you won't. You have control. Drink. I trust you." I say, putting my hand in front of him again. He looks at me again. Before holding my hand and pulling me up the stairs. He may be weak, but he is still really strong.

We get out of the basement, and he pulls me to the lounge, or parlor or whatever it is, and he makes me sit. He plops down next to me.

"Are you sure? 100% sure, you are okay with this?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Damon. I trust you." I say, looking into his eyes. I glance at his lips before closing my eyes and looking away. He grabs my arm and I feel it going up towards his mouth. I look back at him, just before he sinks his teeth in, to see the veins under his eyes. I feel a pinching pain from my arm as his teeth sink in. I hold in the scream. He drinks for 5 seconds before stopping. He wipes the blood from his mouth, before pulling up his sleeve and bitting into his arm, and placing it in front of my mouth.

"Drink." He demands. I listen to him and drink it. It's weird. Knowingly drinking someone else's blood and somehow liking it. I stop drinking it and wipe my own mouth. "I'm surprised you let me do that. I'm a vampire, I could have sucked you dry. What if I hurt you? What if" He says.

"I trust you Damon. I'd trust you with my life." I said said, and I meant it. I'm not having any irrashinal thoughts, i'm not be unrealistic, i'm not being, dumb or stupid. I'm being true to myself, and I know that I trust Damon, and Elena and Stefan are just going to have to live with that. Because I'm not going to leave his side.

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