The Fog

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A huge wave of fog is approaching out from the tree line. I watch it as it swallows the trees it passes.

"What the hell is that?" Glimmer interrupts the silence.

The fog is approaching us at an alarming rate, but something tells me this isn't normal fog. It is just a few feet from us now, and I can hear growling coming behind the wave of clouds.

"Run!" Marvel screams. We all bolt away from the wave of fog. But the fog is too fast, it washes over me and I immediately lose sight of the other tributes. White. White fog is all I see.

"Cato?" I ask waiting for anyone to answer. I can't see anything, I can just barely see my feet.

"Clove?!" I hear Cato yell just as I feel something wrap around my ankle and pull me to the ground.

"Cato!" My voice squeaks as I yell.

"Cato!" The grip on my ankle is getting tighter and sharper like claws. I grab a knife from my sheath and stab the thing that is pulling me, it lets go and I hear a highly pitched shriek coming from it.

"Clove! Where are you?" I hear Cato in the distance.

Then as if on cue, a baboon mutt jumps from out of nowhere and pins me to the ground on my back, it's arms on my wrists.

"Cato! Cato!" I screech.

"Clove!" He yells. The baboon mutt whips it's claw across my face. I scream in pain.

"Clove!" Cato yells again. He is getting closer, I can tell. The baboon makes a loud sound. I try to break free from it's claws but it's much larger than I am. Then out of nowhere, Cato tackles the mutt from the side. I scramble to my feet. I hear the baboon calls and Cato grunting. Then, I hear a high pitched shriek.

"Cato!" I yell as loud as I can.

I start running around aimlessly in the thick, white fog, just trying to find Cato. I run into someone and we both fall. Cato. I reach in for a hug but he turns away and looks around the fog. Don't tell me he's looking for that Glimmer girl. The fog is clearing now and I can make out the objects around me better. Cato starts making his way around and I follow with a knife ready in my hand. He's probably looking for the others, most likely Glimmer. I sigh with that thought. It drenches my mouth with bitterness.

"Glimmer!" He yells. I just stand there in the fog watching Cato search for her. Why is he so concerned about her?

Then fog is almost completely cleared and I can see most of our surroundings. We haven't made it far because we are still at the cornucopia. I take one last look at Cato as he disappears into the trees and sit down on a crate of supplies. Katniss is here too, she must have not gone far like me. We share a look and ignore each other. The scratch from the baboon mutt burns on my cheek. I wish I had some of the medicine that Cato got, but he was the last one with it so I'll just wait till he comes back with it.

It's dead silent as I watch the fog clear. It's been a few minutes since I sat down in the cornucopia. I wonder if Cato is still looking for the others? It's been a long time so I decide to look for myself. I get up and start walking. The fog is nearly gone now. I look around the tree line but I see nothing. Nobody. No, he couldn't have . . . Did Cato ditch me? My heart sinks. Then I spot Marvel running over to me from out of the trees.

"Are you okay?" He asks me as he approaches. His eyes fill with worry. I nod and take a look at him to make sure he's okay. He's got a few scratches but nothing serious.

"Have you seen Cato, Glimmer or Katniss?" He asks.

"No, just Katniss. She's inside the cornucopia. Last time I saw Cato was when a mutt attacked me and he saved me. I think he's looking for Barbie now." I explain. Katniss walks out from the cornucopia and stands beside me.

"I think I know where Peeta is." She says. I raise my eyebrows at her.

"He was at the river, but the fog must have drawn him closer to us." She says and points in the direction the fog came from.

"Okay. Let's go." I say. We grab a few weapons from the cornucopia and begin walking into the woods.

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