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Bill Denbrough got ready for the funeral of his little brother, Georgie. It was one of the worst days ever in his books.

Down the street a few, Richie Tozier's mother was struggling to get him into a suit. The boy would much rather where a black beach shirt.

In the temple, Stanley was practicing his lines for his bar mitzvah before him and his family headed for the funeral.

Eddie Kaspbak's mother was hassling about wearing his fanny pack with his suit. He refused and stuck his pills in his pocket.

Across town, in the Latino community, a girl named Dominique was getting dressed in black. The Denbroughs were her parent's friends but she didn't know them.

Dominique put on a black capped sleeve dress, black Mary Janes, and her family jewelry. Her mother did her makeup and put burgundy lipstick on that complimented her dark skin.

The Cortez family got into their Cadillac and drove to the Cemetery. Most people were already there.

The Cortez's all stood by the Denbroughs. Emilie Denbrough looked at Dominique. "Dominique, Billy's over by his friends. You could go over there if you'd like." She offered.

Dominique spotted the boy that Emilie was pointing at and walked over to the crowd. There were four boys.

"Who's this hot mama coming our way?" Richie asked. Dominique rolled her eyes. The rest of the boys looked over at her.

"Hi, I'm Dominique Cortez." She smiled, waving at the boys. They looked a little like nerds but she didn't care.

"H-h-hi I'm B-bi-Billy." The one kid stuttered. That was the Denbrough's son. She could tell because he looked like his father.

"I'm Stanley Uris." A boy with majorly curly hair said. He had a yarmulke on, so Dominique knew he was Jewish. Dominique was catholic.

"I'm Eddie Kaspbrak." A boy said. He shook her hand and then quickly put on some Germex after. Dominique didn't question it.

"Hey babe I'm Richie." A kid with thick glasses said, raising his eyebrows. He had dark hair and pale skin. But he pulled it off.

After the introductions, the casket was brought out. Everyone got extremely quiet. Dominique was standing next to Bill when she heard him crying.

She threw her arm around his shoulder and pulled him into her. He sobbed into her shoulder.

She hardly knew these boys but could already tell they were going to be close. Bill still was crying into her shoulder.

At the end of the funeral, Bill looked at Dominique. "The boys are coming over afterwards, do you want to?" He asked.

She nodded. She wanted to know the boys better.

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