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Three ugly guys hopped out of the car as the gang were stopped for Eddie. "What's this, the losers club or some shit?" The one with a mullet asked.

"Is that really the best name you could come up with?" Nicki asked, laughing her ass off. He didn't know how stupid he sounded.

"Yeah that's what I said you little bitch." He sneered. He then walked over and kicked her bike down.

She looked up at him with fire in her eyes. "Pick it up." She said, staring the boy down.

He smirked at her. "Who are you to tell me what to do? No." He said.

"Fine, your loss." She said, promptly kicking him in the balls and as he fell on his face she stuck her foot on the back of his head, pushing his face into the hot pavement.

"You gonna pick it up now fuckface?" She asked, letting off of his head with her foot.

"Yeah yeah whatever just let me up." He whined. He had tears shining in his eyes as his face was red.

He got up and picked her bike up. She kicked out the stand as he walked off. He acted like he was gonna jump Bill and the boy flinched.

He walked away laughing, getting in his car and driving away with his asshole friends. "W-w-wow! N-no one S-s-stands up t-to B-bowers like th-that." Bill exclaimed.

"I can't see why. He's just a bully." The girl shrugged, she dealt with many at her old school. Mainly because her family was rich and she was an only child. That didn't sit well with the other children.

Most of them had hardworking families and multiple siblings while Dominique had no siblings and lots of inheritance money from the Cortez's family orchards.

"Let's just go get some ice cream. That encounter had me pretty hot if ya know what I mean, that was badass Nicki." Richie quipped.

"Let's just get some god damn ice cream." Dominique said, rolling her eyes at the boy in a beach shirt.

The crew rolled down the street to the ice cream parlor after Eddie had properly taken his meds.

"Okay so we have a problemo..." Richie trailed off, "who's gonna pay?" He asked.

"I have no money, my allowance isn't here yet." Stan shrugged. He turned of his pockets to further prove his point.

"For once the Jew has no money, plus I'm broke as well." Richie laughed.

"M-m-my m-m-mother t-took m-my l-last to b-buy my b-b-baseball c-c-cards." Bill stuttered out.

"My mom doesn't want me to get jumped so she doesn't let me take money out." Eddie nervously said.

"Looks like I'm paying!" Dominique shrugged. She pulled $5 out of her back pocket and showed it off.

"Gee thanks Nicki." Stan said, smiling with his hand in his pockets. Richie looked at him angrily.

Dominique was the only to notice.

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