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The group went to watch the big parade, which Dominique's and Stan's cousins were both in.

They all stood by the alley, talking. As they did, Richie goes, "Hey watch this!" To impress everyone.

He ran to the band, catching Stan's cousin, Max, and taking his trombone, trying to play it. The notes came out horrible.

Max ripped it out of the smaller boy's hand and began to wipe it off. Of course he was a germaphobe like Stan.

Dominique wiped the tears out of her eyes, she was laughing so hard her stomach hurt and it was tough to breathe.

She looked over at Ben and Bill and instantly got serious. "What're you all talking about now?" Richie asked coming up to the boys.

They were looking at a picture of Eddie Corcoran. His mangled hand was found by a sewer pipe, nothing else though.

"Oh ya know, what they always talk about." Richie answered his own question. There were so many missing children he couldn't turn around without someone bringing it up.

"Actually, I think it'll slow down awhile. At least for now." Ben shrugged. He looked back at the rest.

"Why do you think that?" Mike asked, he was genuinely curious because he felt it would never end and that the town was as cursed as his grandfather said.

"Well it seems that all of this happens every 27 years." Ben and Bill both said, connecting the dots.

Dominique plopped down in the grass beside Eddie as he began to talk. "So it basically comes out and eats kids for one year and then goes into hiding for 27 more?" He asked.

"Like those one bugs, cicadas. They come out every 17 years!" Stan said, Dominique nodded. It was an odd connection but it made sense.

"My grandpa said this place is cursed. He said there's a demon in here that feeds off of the souls of people in Derry." Mike shrugged.

"B-but how is I-it one th-thing? We've a-all se-seen something d-different." Bill said.

"Yeah, I think it knows what we're scared of most and it makes us see that." Mike answered.

Dominique's eyes went wide. "Holy shit guys." She said, this was way beyond just some bad dream, this was real life.

"I saw a leper! It was like a walking infection." Eddie stated, disgusted. He wanted to gag just thinking about.

"But technically you didn't, because it's not real." Stan said, pointing at the hypochondriac.

"None of its real, the clown in the meat shop, Georgie, the leper, or the woman in the painting." Stan said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone.

"Was the woman in the painting hot?" Richie finally spoke. Dominique rolled his eyes at him, he had no clue.

"No Richie, she wasn't." Stan firmly said, rolling his eyes at the smartass boy. "Her face was all messed up, and twisted. These are all like bad dreams."

"I know how to tell bad dreams from reality." Mike stated, everyone looked to the boy. "Ya know the burnt down house on Harris Avenue?"

Of course everyone did. They knew that the family that lived there was killed, it was all over the news for weeks.

Mike proceeded with his story after everyone nodded, telling about how it was his family and that he had lost his parents.

As he finished Dominique got up, giving the shaking boy a hug. It was obviously difficult for him to recall these events.

"We're all afraid of something." Mike finished, looking at everyone after Dominique untangled herself from the boy.

"You got that right." Richie finally spoke. This was one of the rare times that he didn't have a smart reply.

"Whatcha scared of Rich?" Dominique asked, truly curious. That was one thing he had never told her.

The boy looked around uneasily. "Clowns."

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