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Richie called and told Dominique the plan to go to the Barrens the day after school ended. She obviously agreed.

That next day she got dressed in some grey short shorts with rainbow trim, a yellow crop tank top, and her white converse.

She rode her bike to Bill's, where they were all supposed to meet up. She found them all there. She smiled. "Looks like I'm a little late." She giggled.

"A little is an understatement. We've been here for fifteen god damn minutes and I wanna get this over with." Eddie rambled.

"Okay okay lets go then." Dominique said, hopping on her bike again. Richie was sure he was probably going to do something he was gonna regret.

The group biked down to the sewer runoff. Eddie was already rambling about everything that could happen to them. Everyone was ignoring him.

They finally got to the beginning of the runoff. "That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's definitely poison ivy." Eddie said, pointing out plants.

Bill and Richie climbed into the sewer tunnel. Dominique followed after, immediately regretting wearing white converse.

"Oh no, no, no, that's grey water." Eddie said, not stepping into the tunnel. Stan stayed behind as well.

"What in the infierno is grey water?" Dominique asked, using Spanish for her cuss word.

Richie looked at her admiringly. He thought it was hotter than hell when she used Spanish. He didn't know why.

"Grey water is like piss and shit. My mom would have an aneurism if she knew I was playing in Derry pee!" Eddie angrily yelled.

Richie picked up a piece of something disgusting with his stick. He sniffed it from pretty far away.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor!" He exclaimed, in a horrible Spanish accent. Dominique rolled her eyes at him.

"That is just disgusting! Have you ever heard of a Staph infection!" Eddie screamed in frustration.

Richie laughed at him as he tossed the thing at Eddie, hitting him right in the stomach. Eddie immediately gagged and Dominique didn't blame him.

They walked a little further and then Bill picked up a white converse shoe. "G-Georgie wore g-g-galoshes." Before anyone suspected it was his missing brothers.

Richie took it from him. He read off the name in the shoe, "Betty Ripsom." Dominique's eyes widened along with everyone else's.

"We need to get out of here. My mom would freak out if she knew I was down here." Eddie said, freaked out.

"Yeah we're supposed to be having a fun summer, this isn't fun. This is scary." Stan said as well.

"We need to help these kids though guys!" Dominique spoke up. She knew for damn sure that this wasn't for games anymore.

"Maybe Betty didn't wanna be found!" Eddie suggested, just wanting to get the heck out of there.

"G-g-Georgie would w-wanna be f-found." Bill strongly said. Of course he would too.

Then it got silent. "Wow, I wonder how Betty feels running around with one shoe on!" Richie exclaimed, hobbling around.

"Richie, not now." Dominique said, putting her hand on his shoulder. He shuddered at her touch.

Then they all suddenly heard a gigantic splash behind them.

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