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The group had met Ben Hanscomb, who had been cut up by the Bowers gang. All they saw was blood and then they hauled him up.

They got him in an alley way and sat him down on a crate. Dominique saw Mike Hanlon in the alley as well.

"Hey Mike. Wanna help us out here?" She asked, looking at the darker skinned boy.

"What happened to him?" He asked. He looked very frightened already.

"Bowers cut him up." Stan told the boy. Then everything went to shit. Mike ran off. He obviously had already had a run in with the bully today.

"Okay okay I'm obviously gonna have to be the one to fix this clusterfuck because I'm the only one who knows anything medical wise." Eddie announced.

"Well how are we gonna get the supplies? What're we gonna do?!" Richie asked.

"G-guys I d-don't have m-much m-m-money to b-buy this S-S-stuff." Bill told us. Everyone emptied their pockets and came up with $3.45. Not enough.

Eddie had finally lifted up Ben's shirt and his face got immediately white. "What in the hell?" He said.

We saw the cut and it seemed Henry Bowers carved his first initial into the boy's stomach. Eddie gagged. Dominique and the rest looked away.

Beverly March strutted down the alley and saw Ben's stomach. "Hey." She said before glancing at the boy.

"Holy shit what happened?" She asked, her eyes widening and her face paling liked Eddie's.

"H-h-Henry B-Bowers happened." Bill gravely said. It was a known fact that Bill had liked Beverly since the 4th grade.

"Oh, I'm okay." Ben said, waving it off. Everyone looked at him with a 'are you shitting me' look.

"Ok well lets go into the drug store to get you some stuff." Beverly said, having Eddie, Bill, and Stan follow her.

Richie and Dominique stayed behind to watch for adults, Bowers, and just make sure Ben didn't bleed out, although he looked like he was alright.

"So who are you?" Dominique asked the Ben Hanscomb. She just knew he was a new kid, that was about it.

"Well I'm Ben Hanscomb, I like to learn about history and the library. I moved here around Christmas break. I live with my mom and that's about it." He explained.

Richie fake snored. Dominique gave him a dirty look. "Well I'm Dominique Cortez but my friends call me Nicki. I like to listen to Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Prince. I do competitive dance and Richie here is my very best friend." She said.

"I'm so flattered Nicki, but anyways the names Richie Tozier, I've gotta big mouth and I like to listen to Quiet Riot." Richie said.

Before the conversation could be finished, the group ran into the alley from the drug store. "Holy shit we just stole stuff!" Stan exclaimed.

Then everyone began to get excited and started talking all at once. Eddie looked around fumbling with the needle.

"Everyone shut the fuck up. Shut up, I'm gonna fucking do this, oh my god." He said, beginning the first stitches.

In just a few minutes everything was over. "W-well I guess w-we owe y-you." Bill said, looking at Beverly.

"Yeah you do, and I owe you guys big time." Ben said, being very truthful.

"D-do you g-guys wanna c-come to the B-b-barrens with us t-tomorrow?" Bill asked them both.

They agreed.

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