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"Holy shit! It knows where we are." Mike yelled. He was worried for his safety.

"It a-always d-did." Bill told him. "S-so now we g-go t-to where it I-is." He said.

"Neibolt?" Stan asked. He was seriously concerned with Bill's death wish.

"Y-yeah." Bill told him. He was dead set on going, there was no doubt about it.

"And after that what?" Stan asked again. He seriously didn't see this as a good idea, going to where IT lived? No way.

Dominique and Richie just stood there watching until Richie spoke up. "Yeah it's summer we should be-"

He was cutoff by Bill. "If y-you say it's S-summer one m-more f-fucking time." He said defiantly.

After that everyone got on their bike and decided to follow Bill's lead. There was no stopping him.

The walk of death to the yard of the decrepit old house was slow, as no one wanted to make it.

"Bill, are you sure about this? This is so dangerous." Beverly said, stopping Bill from going inside the house.

"You don't have to come in with me, but I'm not gonna stand to have another Georgie, Betty, or one of us go missing." Bill said without stuttering.

"Holy shit. That's the first sentence he hasn't spoken without a stutter." Richie whispered to himself.

"Wait! We need someone to stay and keep watch." Stan said, throwing his arms out.

"Okay, who wants to keep watch?" Dominique asked. She looked around as every hand but Bill, Beverly's, and hers shot up.

"Wow you big babies. Come on Richie you're coming with me." Dominique said, grabbing Richie's arm and hugging him to her.

Everyone began to walk into the house, Stan staying out to keep watch and get help if need be. He honestly was scared out of his wits.

Richie and Dominique walked in first, the floorboards creaking as they tip-toed in. Richie was shaking under Dominique's arm.

"I can't fucking believe I drew the short straw. If we were measuring dicks you guys would've been in trouble." Richie muttered.

"Ugh, I can smell IT." Eddie said, complaining about the smell of the old rundown house and the clown.

"Don't breath through your mouth cause then you'll be eating it." Richie retorted, Dominique snorted. Eddie gagged.

Dominique was looking at the mantle when Richie left her side and went into the parlor. He pulled a missing sign out.

He looked at it, gasping. "It says I'm missing." He whispered as Dominique, Bill, and Eddie ran to see him.

"It's a trick Rich." Eddie said, explaining to the boy. He knew IT's games.

"No that's my face, my age, my birthday! That's me! Am I missing? Am I gonna go fucking missing?" He yelled.

Dominique grabbed his face, making him look into her eyes. "It's a trick, he's trying to scare you. Calm down." She said.

Soon Richie's breathing regulated as her stared into the girl he loved's eyes. Only she could help him like that.

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