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Dominique was woken up by her mom at about noon with a call from Beverly Marsh. Dominique felt that was odd.

"Hello Bev?" She answered in a questioning tone. They were all gonna hang out later today so she was confused.

"Blood...my dad....couldn't see.....sink.....help." Was the only thing she heard Beverly say before the phone was hung up.

Dominique knew what she needed to do. She called the others before running to her closet.

She slipped on some black shorts, a dark blue tie dye shirt, her black vans, and a black hat. She slipped on some blue sunglasses.

The boys were all waiting in her kitchen, where her mother was giving them home made ice cream.

"Your moms cool-" Richie was cut off by Dominique.

"We've gotta go." She said, rushing out the door and hopping on her bike. The boys followed swiftly.

"S-so what ar-are we l-leaving for?" Bill asked. He looked genuinely concerned.

"Beverly called, something happened. I'm not for sure what though." Dominique stated, riding her bike even faster.

"Well then we've got to get there now." Ben said, pedaling in front of everyone. It was obvious the boy liked Beverly.

They all biked to the house to see Beverly standing outside. Dominique got off first, rushing to the girl.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, gripping Beverly's shoulders.

Beverly shook her head. "No, it's not. It's something you could only see to believe, and my dad couldn't see it!" She exclaimed.

"W-well s-show us t-then." Bill told her, standing his ground. He wanted to know what had happened.

"My dad would kill me if he knew I had boys in the house. Good thing he's at work." She smirked, leading them to the back door.

"Richie, Dominique, stand guard for Beverly's dad." Stan smirked and winked at Dominique, she was the only one to see it. She flipped him off.

Richie and Dominique stood outside, keeping watch for basically nothing. "So Dominique, are you playing softball this summer?"

"Yeah, if we have enough to make a team. A lot of girls parents don't want them playing after all of these disappearances." She shrugged.

"That sucks, but hey, that means more time with me." Richie stated, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh lord." Dominique said, rolling her eyes at the nerdy looking boy.

"Dominique, please, you wish you were in my company 24/7." Richie shrugged.

"Sure sure, think all ya want four eyes." Dominique laughed, looking at Richie.

"Dominique I don't know if you ever knew this, but you have freckles. Like really little ones you can only see really close." Richie said, leaning his face close to mine.

"Oh, I didn't know that." She said quietly, not wanting to ruin this moment with Richie.

He leaned in as her eyes fluttered closed and their lips touched, but only briefly before Bill came strutting out the door.

Richie and Dominique quickly pulled away as if nothing happened, even though obviously that was not the case.

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