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Dominique, Beverly, and the awestruck boys made their way to the Cortez family restaurant, which was an upscale Mexican joint.

When they were all seated at a booth, the seating went Richie, Dominique, and Eddie on one side. Bill, Beverly, and Ben on another. Stan pulled up a chair because the sides wouldn't be even and crowded.

Richie loved the seating because he and Dominique were extremely close. They were all at a table when Dominique's cousin, Antonio took their order.

Stan and Dominique were the best of friends, so Antonio knew their orders. They ate there all the time. "Stan, Dom, the usual?" He asked them both.

"Um duh." Stan and her said at the same time. The rest didn't really know how close Stan and Dominique were because they would jump to conclusions and Stan was already picked on enough.

Richie looked at them odd. He had a feeling Stan had already beaten him to the punch and got extremely angry at the table. He began clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Richie are you alright?" Dominique asked, putting a hand over his clenched fist.

It almost made him calm down, but instead he blurted. "Are you and Stan dating?" Stan and Dominique gave each other weird looks.

"No, why would you think that?" Stan laughed, this really was funny for the curly headed boy, Richie was so blinded by jealousy he had no clue Dominique liked him back.

"Um, I've seen the way you and Dominique look at each other, you're the only one who's ever been to her house, you guys have a regular order here." Richie hinted.

Bill, Beverly, Ben, and Eddie had all opted to keep their mouths shut. They all knew how much Richie cared for Dominique. They also knew that Stan didn't have a thing for Dominique as well.

"No no Richie, Stan is one of my very best friends. We eat here all the time and the only reason he comes to my house is to play the Atari with Antonio." Dominique laughed.

Now Richie felt quite stupid, he was jealous for no reason. Stan and Dominique made him look like a fool in front of everyone. Not purposefully, but they did.

The food was served and it was an awkward meal. It was eaten in silence as no one had much to say after what had just went down.

Everyone began to clean up when Ben realized something. "Guys, we have to pay, and I don't have any money." He said.

"N-neither do I-I." Bill stated, looking in his pockets to further prove his point. The rest of the kids agreed.

"Did you chumps forget my parents own and operate this joint, we don't have to pay for shit!" Dominique said, laughing at them.

Richie looked up from his lap. "Well in that case, Antonio, I'll have a margarita on the rocks."

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