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It was finally the end of school for the Losers Club. This year Dominique stuck with her gang, the Bowers terrorized them constantly.

The gang sat in their last hour class, doing whatever to pass the time. There was five minutes left of school in Derry Junior High.

Dominique had on a Metallica bodysuit, shorts, and rose printed vans. She had some quartz earrings in and her hair was in two buns.

Richie thought she was smoking, but he still had yet to make a move on the girl. Stan and Eddie had been hounding on him to do it.

Bill caught Richie staring at her again today. "C-come on m-man j-j-just g-get the b-balls t-to ask her a-already." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I mean what have you got to lose." Eddie shrugged. He was the nicest about it, Richie couldn't say the same about the other male members.

"Oh my gosh then when you do and she says yes you can talk to her about her tits, lord knows I'm sick of hearing it." Stan groaned.

All three of the boys laughed their asses off while Richie threw Stan a withering look. He didn't think he talked about her boobs that much.

Then he got to thinking and he kinda did. He would never not spare a moment to compliment her appearance when she wore outfits such as the one today.

He would never hesitate to list all the things he would do to the girl if they were alone. It kind of grossed out the other boys. They thought of her as a sister.

As Richie was pondering, the bell rang. Everyone in the room hopped up, running out of their class rooms. The teachers tried telling the students to slow down but there was no use.

The Losers Club all ran outside, opening their bags and dumping the contents into the outside trash cans.

As they did, Henry Bowers snatched Stan's yarmulke right off his head. "Loser." He laughed, frisbee throwing it into the passing bus.

Stan shook his head. "Hey asshole! You gonna buy him another?" Dominique yelled at Henry.

"What did you say to me? What'd you say you little shit?" Henry sneered as he turned around to face the shorter girl.

"She said you're a fuckface who sucks their dads dick on the low." Richie mouthed back to Henry.

Henry reared back his fist as if to punch him, but instead he walked away. "Just wait, you all are gonna get it bad this summer." He smirked.

"Oh no, good job Richie and Nicki, you just caused us a summer of eternal hell." Eddie said, throwing his arms up.

"Oh calm down, Henry's too scared of Dominique making him her bitch again to do anything major." Richie laughed.

The rest of the crew laughed as they rode their bikes to Dominique's side of town, remembering the day that Dominique permanently made Henry Bowers her arch nemesis.

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