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*The next morning*

The light of the sun hit your face, you  wake up and rub your sleepy eyes with the back of you hands you stand up from your bed and went straight to your bathroom, you did your morning routine like always you take a long shower since you don't have to go to school anymore. You just graduated last year so your just chiling, you finished showering after a long time,you got out from your  bathroom and went to your closet to find a dress to wear. You decide to walk a little bit on the park,because its been a while since you came in the park,that park holds a very important  memory of your's because thats the place where jungkook ask you to be his girlfriend. That was the most important day of your life, you just smile at those things now cause jungkook is not the man you love the most now, he change. You just shake the thought off of him and went down to your kitchen and there you saw him smiling at you,you rubbed your eyes and see if you are just dreaming or not and after you rub your eyes, but sadly you didn't see him anymore. You removed  him out off of your mind and went to the kitchen to make breakfast,you just ate cereal with milk and some fruits.

Jungkook's Pov

Jungkook wake up with a banging head ache because he drink so much last night at his hyung's house. After you leave that night he went to the others and drink with his hyung, jungkook remember how you look really gorgeous last night, he got up from his bed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He went to his bathroom after he ate his breakfast, he shower for another minute,he did his things at the bathroom and after that, he went to his bed to see if minha call or text him but NO there's no call or text from minha.

"Ughhh why does she even text or call me" he groaned

How come he think of her secretary instead of her girlfriend.

"Ohh maybe i should just go to her house" he said as he went to his closet to get his clothes. After he changed to his desire clothes to wear, he went out his house and walk out closing the door. He walk to the nearest flower shop to buy some freaking flower(lol😂) for minha. * End of jungkooks pov*

*back to you*

You went to sit by a bench at the park you looked at the kids that are playing, you remember your childhood days you smile at those kind of thought that cross your mine.
You looked at somewhere else and you saw a familiar figure jungkook walking out from a flower store he smell the flower that he bought just now, you looked at his outfit and Damn he is so hot in those kind of outfit.

Why the f*ck  am i thingking he doesn't
Love me anymore he has another girl now.

" I wanna die!!!!" You yelled out loud, some people are now looking at you but you didn't mind them, your tears start to fall from you eyes. You stare again at the flowershop where you saw jungkook just a minute earlier, but he was gone. I walk out of the park and walk somewhere else, your foot dragged you at front of jungkook's house you don't know why but you feel you heart beat increase.
You were about to walk away but you heard a female and a man laughing, the laughs are becoming louder as it they were walking closer. You stopped walking and turn to look back, and there you saw how happy jungkook was with his OTHER WOMAN! jungkook never laugh or smile like that when he was with you.

"Oppa! I wanna go to the mall plsss" minha said in a cute f*ucking way

You hide behind the bush while listening about there conversation.

"Okay jagiya wait here i'm just going to get my key car okay i'll back " he said while kissing her cheeks, minha giggle at him.

You didn't hold the urge to attact that  f*cking slut  you walked to her and slap her real hard at her cheeks , you look at her in disgust.

"What do you think your doing!" minha yelled at you as she hold her righy cheeks

"Ohh did i hurt you that much slut"
You confidently say to her.

" how dare you call me a slut! Aren't  you also one?!" She said while smirking at you.

How the f*ck she call me a slut
You thought

"Hey babe what is happening" you heard jungkook's voice

"Oppa she hurt me, and she also call me a slut" minha said while fake crying. You just stand there scare for your own life because you don't know what might jungkook do to you after you did that to her.


" Fiancee?" You asked in disbelieve
"Why you have a problem with that he said in a cold tone.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt your body being weak.

"Why! jungkook why!!" You yelled back

"I'm sorry y/n but i don't love you anymore" jungkook said as he held minha's hand and interwined it with him.

Sorry?  jungkook sorry is not enough!

You took all the strength you got and ask him.
"Jungkook did you even love me?" You asked him with a serious tone"
Jungkook look at you with his dark brown eyes full of pain and sadness
Pain and sadness? But why?

"I never love or liked you y/n" and with that they take their leave, you just stand their shock and didn't know what to do anymore you were broken, sad, hurt even those emotions can't explain what you really feel right now. You managed to walk until your house, when you reach your house you run to you room and slam the door shut, you lay on your bed while crying. Suddenly an idea pop out of your mine, you stand up and went to the bathroom and fine something sharp in the drawer, and Yes! you found a blade, you get it and went to sit to the edge of your bed.

"Why am i still alive if nobody love me!?" You cried you placed the blade on  top of your wrist and started to cut your self.




You couldn't take it anymore you just wanna die. You feel numb while cutting your self, blood started to flow down your floor but you didn't mind it at all you just want to do is to take all the pain away that jungkook gave you.

"3 years jungkook 3 fucking years all i do was love you with all my heart but what did i get in return huh what! Nothing!!" You shouted and cried at the same time.
You felt a little bit dizzy because of the cut that you made, but before you could close your eyes, you see someone barged in you room and shout your name.

"Y/n!  Y/n! Wake up!" The person said.
But before you could answer you passed out.

A/n :

So hey guys sorry for not updating to long because there is no electricity and Internet still so yeah hope you guys like it and pls don't forget to vote and comment.

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