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~2 months later~

Jungkook's POV

I was beside y/n waiting patiently waiting for her to wake up. It's been 2 months and she's still in coma, the doctor said that she was already out of danger after a week after that incident but the doctor also said that she might have a temporary amnesia when she wakes up. I was inside her room right now, her unnies are on their way to visit her. they were also patiently waiting for her. I was a bout to get up to get some water when I saw her hands move, with that I called the doctor and they told me to go out first because they need to do some test to her to make suer that she's fine. While in that situation I saw her friends walking towards me. 

"Hey what happen?!" Lisa ask

"The doctor is checking her right now" I answer

"Why?!" Jisoo noona ask

"I was about to get some water when I saw her hand move so I immediately called the doctor and they ask me to go out first" I explained and you could see happiness in their faces. Well of course we are now all relief that she's awake. Minutes have passed when the doctor went out her room, I went near him and ask him if she was fine.

"How is she, is she okay?" I asked

"Yes she is now fine, but there is something you should know before you go inside. The patience is experiencing a temporary amnesia right now, that is because her head was hit by a hard object on her accident that time that cause her to have this temporary amnesia" My legs become weak with what I heard. I just nodded with what he said and decided to go inside her room and face what's reality. Her friends was just behind me, so I open the door and her attention instantly focus on me. 

"W-who are y-you" The first thing she said when she saw me. 

"I'm J-jungkook, J-jeon Jungkook" I said and she just shake her head side by side saying that she don't know me. But then her attention was now not on me but it's on her friends now.

"Unnie" she said. What was weird was that she remembered her friends, but the only person she forgot was me. So I left them their to buy her some food and to clam my self. After I bought them some snack to eat I decided to go back to her room and their I saw her with her friends laughing, to be honest I miss her so much I want to hug her right now but I now I couldn't. 

"Hey guys let's eat first" I said to the girls, they look at me and started heading to my direction. 

After few days she was now doing fine, every time she asked me who am I and why am I here in her room I feel like my heart is being torn into pieces. It hurts when the girl you love don't remember you. I was now on my way to the hospital when my phone suddenly vibrated. 


"Hey, Jungkook where are you!?" Jimin hyung ask.

"I'm on my way to the hospital, why?" I ask.

" Come quick we're all here at hospital already, y/n she needs you!!" After what I've heard I ended the call and drive fast but of course with safety. Why, what happen to her?

I reached the hospital in no time, on my way to her room I saw  our friends outside. So I went near them. 

"Why, what happen to her" I look at them but no one answer me so I'm starting to get frustrated at the situation right now.

"What happen to her!!!" I yelled, I can't help it. 

"Hey, Hey calm down" suga hyung went beside me and tap my shoulder.

"Just-just go inside" He said, I never heard suga hyung stutter so there must be a problem. I didn't mind the others but  I just went straight to her room to only see y/n......

Smilling at me. 

OMG does she remember me know. I started walking to her and when I was already in front  her I didn't hesitated anymore but  I just hug her tight. I feel her hugging me back and said.

"I miss you my little bunny" She remembers me now. 

"You remember me know" I ask trying to hold my tears but I failed and they just flow down my cheeks. She just chuckle a bit and then wipe by tears with her thumb.

"I will never forget my little bunny" She said and then give me a peck on the lips. 

"So-so you remember all a long" I ask and she just nodded. I remove my self from the hug and look at her.

" Do you know how I feel for the past 2 weeks thinking that you can't remember me" I said and I saw how her face turn into a smile to a sad face.

" I know you are in pain and sad at the same time those past week but I just want to test you if you stay by me even though I don't remember you and you did" She explain. 

"And what would I get if I pass this test of yours" I ask and hug her again.

"My love and trust" She said seriously. I was shook for a moment on what she said.

"Are you joking because if-" I was cut off when she kiss me.

"Do you think i'm still joking" she said after the kiss. I shake my head from side to side.

"Nope, so you are giving me another chance" I ask and she nodded. 

"Your worth loving for" She said and that made me smile.

" I love you" I told her but she didn't answer me.

"I can't answer you back yet because you still need to prove to me that you love me also I still remember how you push me away and broke up with me that time so pls. Can we take baby step this time for this relationship to make it stronger and longer." She asked and I just nodded at her and kiss her. I'm fine with what she said, and if she want us to take baby steps for this relationship we could do that. 

I hope this is our new start and I also hope that we could be happy from now on. 

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