This Is My Secret Life...

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Jallel, Gray, Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus and Rouge were all walking home, it had been there friend Juvia's birthday and 2 months since they started FairyTail.
But they some how managed to get lost in the part of town where in the part of town were gangs lurk, rappiest hide, psycho killers find home and where there was filled with abandoned houses and shops.

"Natsu you idiot!! You got us lost!!" Gray complained, hitting the back of Natsu's head, "well its your fault for letting me handle the directions!!!" Natsu replied angrily, they then started fighting, the others just stood there annoyed as they watched the two argue about the most ridiculous thing. Gajeel sighed and walked over to the fighting boys and  hit their heads together. The two boys groaned and rubbed their heads in pain as they complained too Gajeel, "shut it you two!! We have to find a way to get back home before it gets dark, because I'm sure you don't want to be in this area when it gets dark!!" Jellal spoke, they all turned to look at Jellal nodded their heads viscously.

But soon enough, they had found themselves in the same area....

While it was dark......

in an alleyway....

"Fuck, Natsu this is all your fault!!!" Laxus yelled pissed off at Natsu, "well you weren't much of help sparky!!" "What'd you call me pyro!!" "You heard me!!" They began to fight as names and useless threats were thrown back and forth, but was soon interrupted by laughter coming from behind them, out of curiosity and fright they turned to see a man standing at the other side of the alleyway and other men on the other side blocking their exit. They were surrounded and by the way the looked..... they weren't very friendly....

"Well, well, well, what do we have here???" A man asked, as he walked forward with a smirk on his face, he had short scruffy brown hair as well as a tattoo on the left side of his face that looked like a Cross. "A couple of trespassers??" He said, pulling an insane smile, "we aren't trespassing, we are just lost, there's a difference!!" Gajeel explained angrily, the man chuckled, "well you're still trespassing on my grounds!!" He yelled back, he clicked his fingers and the other men all pulled out guns, "shit!!" Gray spoke as they started to back up.

As the leader was about to click his fingers to signal for the men to shoot. What looked like a silver metal object had flown towards him, the world had seemed to move slower as it rammed straight into his hand slicing it off with one clean cut.....

The man screamed in pain as the object had hit the wall and stabbed right into it, revealing it to be a large knife that butcher's would use to cut their meat, blood had trailed down the large knife and splattered on the ground d as the mans once attached hand now lay on the ground. Others had ran towards the man but more of these objects flew threw the air, this time hitting there skulls, killing them instantly. The boys stared in shock as a tall figure wearing a long black cloak that had multiple rips and tears in the bottom, you could hear the sound of tapping as their heals hit the pavement. The tall figure turned towards the boys, who could only see the bottom half of their face as the figures mouth turned into a frown of disgust.

"Never thought I'd be saving your assess!!" The figure scoffed, the boys stared in confusion, not sure who this person  "Do we know you??" Laxus asked crossing his arms
The figure chuckled, while in the darkness, suddenly the figure walked into the light with their hood off the boys jaws dropped, "LUCY!?" They all said in usion, "Lucy!?" The leader asked as he stood up, rubbing his back.

"A-as in th-the   second in command of the famous Celestial Gang!!!" He said in fear as well as anger, "WHAT?!" The boys yelled, "You don't mean the most dangerous, the most feared gang in the world!?" Natsu said backing up. "That's right!! Now, I have a bone to pick with you and your men!!" Lucy said glaring at the leader of the gang and the gang members, the mab chuckled darkly, "well, looks like it's my entire gang against you sweetie, so don't be surprised when I beat you!!" The leader yelled with a smug look on his face. Lucy looked down and chuckled, she grabbed to rope that was tied around clock to keep it up, she began to carefully untie it while looking at the man smirking.

The leader quickly pointed his finger towards her and shouted "FIRE!!!" The men started firing at Lucy, but she quickly dropped her cloak and dodged the bullets, all that was left was smoke from where Lucy was standing, the boys were coughing and trying to fan away the smoke, the gang leader laughed, but he was stopped when a dagger flew out from the smoke and stabbed him in the stomach, everyone gasped as Lucy walked out of the smoke.

Although all the boys stood there with nose bleeds, Natsu was passed out from what Lucy was wearing, while Gray was staring while had nose bleed, Gajeel and Laxus were staring and blushing darkly and Jellal was slightly nose bleeding.

Lucy stood there smirking, she held her hand outwards and a glow appeared, the it shaped into a wip, "lets see what happens when boys be naughty??" Lucy said in a seductive tone, everyone gulped as she cracked her wip against the concrete, she the...

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Lucy stood there smirking, she held her hand outwards and a glow appeared, the it shaped into a wip, "lets see what happens when boys be naughty??" Lucy said in a seductive tone, everyone gulped as she cracked her wip against the concrete, she then ran towards the leader and wrapped it around his ankle and pulled him towards me so he's flying. I smirked and punched with all my strength, sending him out cold, "I don't care if you took out our leader!!! I'll take you out myself!!" One of the men spoke up angrily, he rushed towards Lucy. She quickly rapped out her wip and wiped the man, he went flying out of the alleyway. The other men watched him fly right passed them. Lucy walked towards the other men and cracked her wip against he concrete, this made all the men turn towards her and then run off, Lucy then smirked, she put one hand on her hip.
"Pussys..." she said, she then walked back over to her cloak then held it up, she examined it and noticed it was drenched and covered in mud, so she just shrugged and threw it away. Lucy then turned to see the boys staring at her, they were all blushing darker then Erza's hair. She smirked at them, she walked straight past them to a door behind him Lucy opened the door to reveal the sound of loud music, lights and people yelling,"after you!!" Lucy said, signaling them to go inside, they had looked at each other and hesitate before agreeing and slowly walked threw the doors, they kept on walking threw the hallway until the came upon a club.

People were drinking, dancing, singing, grinding on each other or making out, Lucy walked past them, threw the crowed and walked over to a booth, further away from the music and dance floor, the boys sat down at the booth, they all looked at each other then at Lucy, she took a glass of whiskey of a tray that was passing by and took a sip, finally Lucy spoke up.

"Okay, shoot!! But one at a time!!" She said while smirking, "Y-Your a part of the celestial gang!?" Natsu spoke up first, Lucy nodded, "I'm actually second in command!!" She said smirking, she took a drink of whiskey as the boys sat there with their mouths wide open with shock. "Okay.... then what's with the lingerie outfit??" Jellal questioned, that made Lucy smirk, she put down her drink and gave her mouth a quick wipe. "Didn't you hear me before?? Naughty boys must be punished" Lucy replied, licking her lips, this made the boys blush really dark.

"Awwww, what's the matter boys, to shy to look at me?? Or are you too shy to look at what you really wanna look at??" Lucy said in a seductive tone, This made them get turned on, and Lucy could see it. "H-how are you so different??" Gray asked just managing to look up at her,
"Because the nerdy me you witnessed at school?? Is merely an act, and don't ask me why, that question is off limits!!" Lucy replied smirking, the boys gulped. "Oh and don't try to hide the fact that you're getting turned on, you can't hide your thoughts from me!!" Lucy smirked, while teasing. They all looked up at her, they were all blushing darkly.

"I can read peoples minds, fun isn't it??" She answered while taking another drink of whiskey, "y-you c-can??" Natsu asked a little scared. "Yep!!" Lucy replied winking, she then looked over at Laxus and smirked. "Wow!! Into the ruff stuff eh??" She said teasingly, he then blushed darker, if that was even possible!!! Lucy started laughing, she then died down her laughter as she looked over in the distance and smirked.

"Looks like Mr. Leaders here!!" She said smirking.

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