Hold them in......

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Lucy P.O.V

"What're you gonna say to them??" Mecheille asked me, I looked at her, "I'm not sure, I just want answers" I answered, she nodded as I opened the door, I took a deep breath as I walked inside. I seen the gang sitting or standing around silently, they looked, guilty. "Hey guys" I spoke up, they all turned to me and looked at me nervously, Loke cleared his throat and  walked over to me, "Lucy, we have to tell you-" "I already know, you're all leaving to go and find allies" I cut him off, they all looked a bit surprised. "H-how-" Aries, I then held out the note, they all looked surprised. "I heard you guys talking about it, I wanted to tell Lucy, but I couldn't, so I gave her the note instead...." She apologized, I watched blankly as they all nodded.

"But why...." I spoke out, I looked down, my hair shadowing my eyes, "why are you leaving me here when you know I can fight!!" I yelled, I watched as they all frowned, "cause you'll get hurt you stupid girl" Aquarius scoffed, my hands soon turned into clenched fists, "get hurt..... You guys say you want to protect me!! Yet your just hurting me even more when you leave me behind!! Knowing that I could be helping all of you!!" I yelled in pure anger, " we know, but we can't have you getting hurt or worse..." Loke said, "what type of pain can he put me through anymore!? He's already hurt me enough!!" I replied, "but by bringing you, it's giving him an easier opportunity to give him what he wants Lucy, and you know that" Ross spoke, "but what happens if you don't come back...." I questioned, "well then we don't, at least you'll have all your friends and your sister by your side" Aries answered.

'My...... Friends......

Quick Flashback

"I can't believe you hurt Lisanna!!"
"You left her there to die!!"
"I'm so disappointed in you..."
"That must be why your so pathetic!!"
"This girl needs to be put in her place!!"
"Your crazy!!"
"I heard Lisanna was just trying to help her, but she snapped at her and tried to kill her"
"You're nothing!!"
"Well then we don't.... At least you'll still have your friends...."

3rd Person P.O.V

The gang watched as Lucy started to squeeze her fists tightly, "Lucy.... Is something wrong??" Rose asked, "why...." Lucy spoke softly, "what??" Aries asked, the gang looked at her either confused or guilty, "WHY DO MORTALS HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT!?" Lucy suddenly yelled, she suddenly dropped to her knees clenching her head in pain, "LUCY!!" Everyone yelled running over to her. "L-Loke its back!! I can hear it!!" Lucy managed to say, Loke nodded and his ring began to glow, he aimed in for Lucy as a blast if energy hit her, causing her to scream in pain before blacking out. The others were staring at her in guilt, "Taruas, take Lucy up to her room, Virgo, grab our stuff, I'm gonna go tell the others we're on our way...." Loke explained as he walked up stairs, the others frowned, Taruas picked Lucy up and walked up to her room.

Mecheille stood there frozen, she didn't want to move after seeing the sight that just happened in front of her. The others had noticed it, "it got worse after you left, she was so sad they came back and worsened everyday" Aquarius explained, "but how?? They couldn't have gotten worse then what they already were!?" Mecheille replied, Aries frowned, "we didn't know how, but after a while, when she no longer showed the emotions they began to go away....." She added, Mecheille sighed, "well I'll make sure they don't come back" Mecheille said while putting on a determined expression.

As Taruas and Loke both walked back downstairs they nodded at the others and Capricorn opened the door, they said their goodbyes to Mecheille before leaving, as Loke was the last one to walk out Mecheille grabbed onto his arm, he gasped and looked over at Mecheille, her position was straight, but her head was turned sideways so she could see him. "Please stay alive, not for your sake, but for Lucy's as well, she hasn't got any family left except for me, and you know what's gonna happening to me. So don't leave her alone in this world!!" Mecheille spoke as she stared into Loke's eyes, he nodded, "I promise... I will come back, after all, we stick together don't we??" Loke promised, Mecheille let go of his arm and he walked out. She looked at a photo hanging on the wall, it was a picture of two young girls, they never looked happier, even though one had multiple bandages wrapped around her and the other had an eye patch and bandages wrapped around her arms.

"I know you'll make it back.... Do it for Lucy....."



"We're free...." They girl smiled as she continued to hug her sister, "that's right Onēsan, we're free..." The younger looking girl smiled as tears if joy began to fall down her face...
Th-thank you...." The older one looked up at the group of people, "thank you so much...." The girl cried, the leader of the group if people walked up to her and the girl hugged them, the leader hugged her back as she began to cry with joy....
"I believe in you!! And I always will!! So come back you hear me!!" She yelled, "of course we'll come back......... A celestial never breaks their promise!!" Those words echoed through her head as tears of joy streamed down her face.....

Mecheille smiled brightly, "I know they'll come back... They all ways do....."


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