She Is Mine

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Neither Bjorn or Rowan spoke the rest of the night. Each were lost in their own thoughts and memories, and neither was really in the mood to talk. Morning soon came and a guard brought them a slice of bread, a cube of cheese and a cup of water.

As Rowan rested against her cell door, she bit into her cheese wedge almost immediately spit it out. It was hard and tasted stale. What I wouldn't give for a proper meal, she thought. She missed the delectable food from the Glade; even the cooking from back at the camp.

"Here, have my bread," Bjorn said as he readied himself to throw his slice to her cell. She needed it more than him considering her injuries.

"No thank you. You need your strength for the both of us," Rowan replied as she sipped her water. Even though her stomach ached for food and protested her words, she simply refused to be treated as a charity case.

Bjorn frowned but took a bite form his bread.

More silence passed before he spoke up, "Are you mad at me?" He had noticed she had been distant towards him and hated the thought of her being upset with him.

Rowan shrugged, "I don't know. I want to say no, but a small part of me begs to differ. I just keep thinking about Blanche and...well you," she answered quietly. She knew she was being childish but she couldn't help herself but to feel jealous. Even though Bjorn was free to do as he pleased and would bed other women at future Skabelses, it bothered her to no ends.

Bjorn almost smiled. He found pleasure in knowing that the silver-haired woman cared about him to the extent of jealousy. "I did not lay with her if that is what is bothering you. I know it is an unusual feeling to have, but I never want to do such things with anyone else but you. My father would not be happy to hear such things, but he is not around, is he?" Bjorn stated, slightly smiling. He knew his father would approve of Rowan of course, but if he shared with him even half of the feelings he had for her his father would be outraged.

Rowan turned around to face him, returning his smile. "I share the same feelings. I suspect my mother wouldn't be too happy either," she answered, chuckling.

Her laughter was sweet and soft and was almost music to Bjorn's ears. He wanted nothing more at the moment to hold her and feel the comfort she brought him while in his arms. If they were to get out of this alive, he would see to it that they never had to live apart. It was a ridiculous idea, but for now it would give him the hope he needed. The love he had for her was unlike anything he had ever experienced and he refused to lose her. I am hers and she is mine, he thought.

He thought about how it was crazy to have such strong feelings for someone that he had only known for a little less than three weeks. But then he remembered all the emotional events they had suffered through such as the bear attack, to being taken and abused, Viktor, traveling to a foreign place neither had been in the back of a caged wagon, and then being forced to watch as a man tortured her right before his eyes. It was these events that had planted the love he felt for her in his heart, and now it was thriving.

Bjorn wondered what Rowan's mother was like and decided that he would like to meet her one day. perhaps even thank her for raising such a brave and fierce daughter. He knew he had gotten soft since meeting her, but he didn't mind. He was still a fine warrior and knew how to balance the two. Where he was weak she was strong and she genuinely made him a better person. Before arriving to the Skabelse he had been quite surly and absolutely hated women and anyone who had grown to care for one. But now he found himself to be quite the opposite.

As he had grown to know her, he was both challenged by her and she had earned his respect-a hard feat for even the strongest soldiers. She was not afraid to speak her mind and was the perfect mixture of strength and beauty and had both an arduous side as well as a soft and delicate side. He wondered how one person could have so many traits and admired her for finding the perfect balance. It was then that he realized she was his perfect match.

"How are your wounds fairing?" he asked, pushing the thoughts from his head. He could see her look down and inspect them.

"Well they have stopped bleeding so I have that going for me," she answered lightly. She knew she had to be careful, for it would be easy to get them infected in such a dirty place.

"Mark my words that I will have their heads for what they have done to us," Bjorn said, squeezing one of the iron bars tightly.

Rowan nodded and shot him a mischievous grin, "Not if I have theirs first."

- - -

Three days had passed before Blanche returned to the dungeon. During those days she decided what her next course of action should be and debated just how extreme she should get. By now she knew that the Gladeswoman would not talk so the task would have to fall onto the Rorik's shoulders. She was sure by now that both kingdom's knew that the Brotherhood held their children; but she was uncertain what they would do about it. Would they offer her riches for their release? She was wealthy enough and did not need their gold, but if they refused to join arms with her against the High Kings and Queens she may need it to purchase more mercenaries. Thankfully North America had an abundant supply that many were unaware of.

Blanche soaked in her bath tub, forming a plan, but each one led to the same outcome: the princess had to die. She knew that the silver-haired warrior was more valuable alive than dead, but with her out of the way Bjorn would realize just how serious she was. And with his spirit so broken he would give her what she needed soon after, she was sure of it.

And as she walked down the winding staircase from her room to the first floor, she couldn't help but to smile at her sure victory. With Rorik on her side they were sure to bring another three to four kingdoms. That would make at least seven fighting the High Kings and Queens.

Lucian unlocked the dungeon door and stepped aside for his chieftain.

The damp air was thick and she wondered how the two prisoners were able to breathe in such conditions.

Bjorn and Rowan had stood when they heard the distant sounds of footsteps and the door unlock, awaiting to see who was coming after so many days.

"Good evening," Blanche greeted, flashing a dazzling smile, causing her almond eyes to tilt.

Rowan was surprised that it was evening at first, but soon brushed it off as she remembered how the days had combined into one, causing her to lose the track of time.

Bjorn pressed his lips together as she passed him. When she saw the two deep scratches on his cheek she slightly chuckled.

She stopped at the mid point of their cells and sighed dramatically. "Since neither of you have given me the information that I require, I see no reason to keep you alive. So tomorrow morning, there will be a public execution for one of you as punishment," she announced. She looked at both of them and smiled before she headed back to her bed chambers.

Bjorn and Rowan shared a look of dread and fear. Neither wanted the other to die.

"Oh and one more thing. Before the two of you bicker about who will volunteer to meet the executioners axe, I've already decided as to who it will be," she purred over her slender shoulder. He long hair covering the wicked grin on her face, "Enjoy the rest of your night Rowan, for it will be your last."

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