Chapter 3

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"No! Get off of me. I want to see Ethan!" I laughed as a drunk Maggie whined for Ethan of all people.

"Dumbass, you don't like Ethan."

"Yes I do. He's super cool, and is a good kisser. Oops, that was a secret. Shh." She giggled and swayed back and forth to the music.

"Did you just say what I think you said?!" I can't believe this ho kissed Ethan!

She's so gonna regret this tomorrow.

"Don't tell anyone please! Not even Grayson!"

"I can't believe you right now. Let's go to my room, and you can get a good nights sleep." I picked her up and walked to the steps leading upstairs when I saw Grayson and Ethan walk through the door.

"He made me bring him or he'd nark on me to our parents."

"Good. Ethan, take Maggie upstairs to my room."



"Okay, Mags, come on." I took her to Bridget's large room, and laid her on the bed. "Stay here, I'll get you a water."

I quickly jogged down to the kitchen and grabbed water from the fridge, then jogged back up to Bridget's room.

"Ethan! You're back!" She giggled

"Here." I crawled onto the bed next to her and handed her the opened water bottle.

"You're so cool, Ethan. I'm sorry for calling you a nerd all of these years."

"Stop. You're drunk."

"I might be, but, I do mean it." She laughed again

"It's okay, you'll forget this in the morning."


Going into school today was quite different. People were coming up to me saying they were surprised I went to the party Friday night.

"Ethan. Wait." I heard Grayson behind me, which was also weird because he never talks to me at school. He never talks to me at all. "Maggie told me you two kissed?"

"What's your point?"

"I wanted to know if that's true. Because you kissing one of the hottest girls in school is a HUGE improvement."

"I'm not talking about this. People will listen and tell all of their friends. I'm just not into that."



"Seriously Maggie. The party on Friday was awesome and if you weren't so drunk you could probably remember. Ethan even came!" We we're walking into our first class and sat down at our usual seats.

I really don't remember anything except when it first started. I most definitely don't remember Ethan showing up.

"Oh my god ew."

Play it cool. Duh.

"Please. You were whining for him the whole night until he took you upstairs and you fucked."


Did we really have sex?!

"No, you didn't have sex, but, Ethan isn't telling us what happened. So it must be something." I rolled my eyes

"Or maybe he doesn't want to talk about how a raging slut was all over him last night."

"My best friend is NOT a slut."

"What else would you call me? I ran out of guys to have sex with so now I've moved onto the nerds."

"Stop. You're not a slut."Grayson walked in and I suddenly got quiet.

"Okay, but, that's not what everyone else thinks."

"Why are you so worried about what these other people will say? What happened to you?"

"Is everything good?" He took his bag off and then sat down.

"Just fine."


After school Bridget and I walked inside Grayson's house like we do everyday after school.

"I'm gonna go talk to Ethan."

"Wear protection."

"We aren't gonna have sex." I rolled my eyes and walked to Ethan's room where he sat at his desk working on homework for himself. "Hey." I knocked on the door.

"Come in. Sorry my room's a mess."

"You're fine."

"So let's get started with your work?"

"Actually can we talk about what happened Friday at the party?

"Well, nothing really. I walked in and was immediately handed a drunk senior. I took her up to Bridget's room and she continued to tell me how she enjoyed the kiss we shared right before the party."

"Oh my god." I laughed and rubbed my hands over my face. "What else?"

"She wanted me to lay in bed with her, so I did. And she also wanted me to kiss her again, but, I said no, because I'm not that kind of guy."

"Thank you."


"For not taking advantage of me. When you could have." I moved my hand to his thigh and this time he didn't freeze up.

"I'd never do that."

"Let's face it nerd, you've been dying to have me since the first day we met." I joked

"Most guys were, back in the third grade."

"You're very beautiful Ethan. Not like the attractive beautiful, but, like your personality, it's very beautiful."

"I don't know who's talking to me right now, but, you look a lot like Maggie." He laughed nervously

"It's all me."

Nerd (Ethan Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now