Chapter 6

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Last night was probably the best night I've had in a long time. Ethan was so controlling it was hot as fuck.

"Mags. What's going on lately? You're zoning out, being all smiley while texting someone, being all secretive. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I just had a good night."

"Did you hook up with someone?" She smirked

"Yes. But, that's all I'm saying because it's on the DL."

"Are you seriously not going to tell me? I'm supposed to be your best friend." She was upset but stayed calm.

"Bridget. Stop. I'll tell you eventually. Just not now. God."

Uh, bitchy much?

"What the fuck ever."

"Are you really getting mad at me right now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I'm mad! You're my best friend! I tell you everything!" We started yelling and the whole class was staring at us.

"Okay. And I get that. But, this one thing in particular, I'm not going to tell you. Get over it."

"Fuck you." She looked away from me.

"Bridget. Let's go in the hallway, so we can talk about this please? You're my best friend, and I love you more than anything." She rolled her eyes and then joined me in the hallway.

"Okay, before I say anything. I'm not going to tell you this guy's name for the sake that he might not want anyone to know yet."


"So as you know, him and I hooked up last night, but, we also hooked up shortly before then. And the reason I didn't want to say anything is because I think I like him. More than just for hook ups."

"What?" Her eyes lit up.

"I'm starting to like him. But, I know he doesn't like me back."

"Who is he? I'll kick his ass right now."

"That's why I don't want to say anything. I wanted to wait and see if it became something more."

"Okay, but, you better fucking tell me who it is soon. It'll eat me alive."

"Of course it will."


'Did you and Bridget get in a fight today?' Ethan's name popped up on my phone as I laid in bed at home.

'Just a little argument, we're good now.'

'You know what would make me good?😉'

'What's that?'

'A picture of you. Minimal clothing is appreciated'

Nerd (Ethan Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now