Chapter 14

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Yo, so Roy woods came out with a new album if you don't know and this is one of my favorite songs on the album  so you should listen and enjoy :) smut as well. Of course




"When is Mr. Brookes gonna be back here?!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know, Ethan?"

"I'm breaking the door down." He said and stood up from the desk.

"Have fun."

He walked to the door and turned the doorknob which opened the door. "I'm awesome." He said and walked out of the room.

"No, dumb fuck, he must have unlocked it when we were arguing." I followed him out into the hallway.

"Well now I can go make out with Selina."

"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes and walked out to the parking lot.

I got to my car and saw Ethan walking out of school with Selina.

That could have been you if you weren't a dumb bitch.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride? My car's in the shop but, Bryan is picking me up, he can give you a ride."

"No, it's fine, I already texted Grayson and he's on his way."

"Liar." I said to myself.

She hugged him and then walked away when Bryan pulled up to the side walk.

I looked at Ethan grow sad when Selina got in the car, but, waved her goodbye anyways.

I opened up my door and stepped out "Get in the car." Ethan looked up at me and sighed walking to my car.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked as I started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

"Nothing. Same as always."

"I could really use an actual tutor."


We got to his house and walked to his room right away. I took my bag off my shoulders and sat on the bed, pulling out my work.

"You know how to do this. Why do you need my help?"

"I don't, I just like to procrastinate if you can't tell."

"Yeah, I know."

"I like to procrastinate with you."

"Stop." He flipped through my papers trying to remember what to do.

"I'm serious Ethan."

"I don't care. We aren't doing this again."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I rested my hand on his thigh and he stared at me.

"Your hand on my thigh is what I'm talking about."

"What do you want it on your dick?" I moved my hand up further and felt him tense up.


"Because I will if you want me to." I moved to his package and massaged him through his jeans.

"Fuck Maggie. Stop." His voice was shaky but he pushed my hand off of him.

"Come on Ethan." I moved my hand and traced circles on his shoulder.

"Maggie, you know what you do to me. Please stop." He grabbed both of my wrists and held them in the air.

"I just want you to feel good."  I whispered and saw him gulp.

"I'll feel fine if you stop." His voice was shaky and low. I crawled onto his lap and cradled him.

"I want you to touch me Ethan." I whispered in his ear.

"Mags. Please, you're giving me a boner." He giggled and rubbed his hand over his face.

"I'll stop, just say the words." I whispered in his ear.

"Fuck it." He stood up and turned on his stereo blasting music and then pushed our stuff off of his bed and slid my shirt off. He smirked then held the sides of my face, kissing my lips

I sat on his lap again and he slowly moved to my neck and sucked and nibbled on my spot. I giggled and he then kissed where he left the hickey.

He unclasped my bra, then moved to my breasts and gently sucked and rubbed them. He pulled me further into him by my butt and I grinded on his dick while his hands squeezed my ass and he kissed me.

He laid me down on his bed and slid off his shirt, then pulled down my leggings. He gently traced my inner thigh teasing me with how close he was getting to my heat. He then kissed my inner most thigh and it sent me over the edge.

He pulled my panties off of me and blew on my wet vagina making my legs shake. I pulled him up to me by his hair and kissed him with passion.

"I want to taste you."

"I'm waiting." He smirked and kissed down my stomach and soon met my clit, kissing and licking gently. "Oh fuck Ethan." I moaned and grabbed the sheets with my hands.

He licked up my entire vagina and slowly entered me with his tongue. "Ethan, oh my god."

He moaned in me and I felt him bring his thumb around to slowly massage my clit.

I grabbed his head and pushed him into me more. "No." He took my hands and moved them above my head. "Keep them there or I'll stop."

"Okay Ethan. Keep going." He moved back to my heat and even more gentle he kissed my entrance. "Ethan please fuck me."

"No can do baby girl. I want to tease you." He stuck two fingers inside of me and pumped quickly. "God you're so fucking wet." He rubbed my clit in circles with his tongue and I felt my legs begin to shake.

"Ethan I'm gonna.."

"Wait for me." He panted onto me and then completely stopped right before I could hit my high.

He grabbed a condom from his bathroom and pulled his boxers down sliding the rubber onto his dick.

"Ethan please."

He positioned himself at my entrance, putting his tip in, but then sliding it out. "Oh my god, quit teasing."

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