Chapter 12

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"Ethan. Can we go in the hallway for a second?" Ethan nodded and we walked into the dark empty hallway.

"What's up?"

"We can tell people now."

"What a whole ten minutes made you change your mind? What's going on Maggie?"

"I just wanted to make sure I won prom queen, now we can tell people."

"So, what you're saying, is that the only reason we weren't telling people is because you didn't want that to effect you winning prom queen?" He quickly grew upset and raised his voice.

"Well when you put it like that."

"Put it like what?! The truth?!" He stepped closer to me and yelled at me.

"Ethan. I want to be with you." My voice was soft, mainly because I've never seen Ethan this upset.

"No you don't. If you did you wouldn't have worried about losing prom queen because of me." He turned around to walk back into the gym.

"Ethan wait." He stopped for a second.

"Save it."


'I guess what I'm not understanding is why you were hooking up with me at all if you didn't want that to ruin your popularity.'

'Ethan, I'm sorry. I know I fucked up.'

'No. You did way more than just fuck up. You completely lied to me, and Bridget and Grayson, and fuck, even the whole school. You're putting up this whole facade for other people, but, guess what Maggie, I know who you really are, and if you're so stuck with being this fake Maggie then I don't want to be a part of that.'

'Ethan please.'

'Seriously Maggie. Don't talk to me.'

'You messaged me Ethan!'

'Because, I fucking like you! Sorry that I get feelings for people and you're a heartless bitch who doesn't!'

'I'm not heartless Ethan!'

'Yes you are, because if you weren't you would have been with me instead of using me!'

'I guess I don't like you more than that, I'm sorry, but, that's the truth.'

'I should have never tutored you.'

'You weren't complaining while I was sucking your dick!'

'Yeah, well you seemed to like me pretty well when we were having sex!'

'Fuck you, Ethan.'

'Sorry, just incase you forgot, that already happened. 🤷🏽‍♂️'

'You're such an asshole.'


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