Chapter 16

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"Wake up, Ethan Dolan, we are hanging out on this beautiful Saturday morning." I called Ethan on FaceTime and he picked up the call with his hair everywhere.

"Ugh, What are we doing?

"Going on a hike then driving to the city."

"Why the city?"

"Because I want a tattoo and there's only one place I go."

"Oh my god you're so random."

"I know, now get up, I'll be there to pick you up in like 20 minutes."

"Okay, bye babe." He hung up the phone and I relaxed on my bed since I had already gotten ready for the day.

I grabbed my phone and sunglasses and walked through my house to the garage where my car was and then driving to Ethan's house.

'I'm outside😴'

'One sec☝🏼'

'I'm outside naked😉'

'Ready now😍'

After a second, Ethan walked out his front door and got into my front seat.

"You look cute." He leaned in and kissed my lips.

Just friends of course.

Yeah, friends who kiss and have sex.

"Is it because I'm not wearing a shirt?"

"That might be a factor." He winked

"So I'm a little hungry, let's go somewhere for lunch." I pulled out of his driveway and drove to the city, deciding I didn't want to go hiking today.


"I guess."

We got to the city about an hour later and went to my favorite pizza place, going inside after I put a shirt on.

We ordered our pizza and sat down at one of the booths.

"So what tattoo are you getting?"

"I want a little seahorse on my hip." I giggled and took a sip of my soda.

"Why a seahorse?"

"Because, they're fucking cute."

"You look very pretty today."

"Aw, thanks E."

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "No PDA."

"Come on, no one we know is here."

"Fine." I smiled and soon we finished our pizza standing up and throwing our trash away.

"I'm buying a water, do you want one?"

"Yeah, I'll buy them."

"Too bad." I grabbed two waters and put them on the counter, paying for them, then handing one to Ethan.

We left the restaurant and got into my car, driving to the tattoo shop.

Iggy brought us to his room and sat me down at his chair once he got the picture printed that I wanted. "Alright, Maggie, I'm gonna have you pull down your pants a little."

I did as told and Ethan watched as he put the stencil on my hip. "Okay, check and see if that's how you like it."

I stood up and looked at it from different angles in the mirror. "Yeah, it looks good, Iggy." I laid back down on the chair, and he soon began to tattoo me.

After about an hour he finished on my small but detailed seahorse and taped me up. "Do you need a treatment kit?"

"Yes please." He handed me the small bag and Ethan and I walked out of the shop.

"You're so fucking spontaneous!" He laughed and pulled me in to kiss.

"Let's walk. I love this part of the city."

"Only if you hold my hand."

"I guess." We walked passed my car hand in hand and wandered around the city. Taking him to a small pier I always go to.

"I've had fun today." He said and let go of my hand as we stopped and looked at the water under us.

"I did too, E."

"Let me take a picture of you." Ethan pulled his phone out and started taking pictures of me as I rested my arms on the railing. "I like this one."

"Send that to me

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"Send that to me."

"No, you'll post it on Instagram."

"Whats so bad about that?"

"I don't want other people to see you how I see you."

"You're so fucking cheesy." I pulled him towards me and kissed his lips.

Nerd (Ethan Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now