Chapter 23

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I woke up in bed with Ethan right next to me on his phone. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I turned on my side to face Ethan, cuddling into my pillow.

"Thought you should sleep. After all we were up pretty late." He looked at me and smiled. Probably because my eyes are only half open.

"Maybe if you didn't want to go to Target at 1 in the morning." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I wanted Mac and cheese! I'm sorry!"

"Its okay babes." I leaned in and kissed his lips.

"My mom just texted me. Says she wants me to come home. Do you want to come with? I'm sure she'd love to see you." Ethan said getting out of bed.

"Yeah I'll get changed quick."

I got out of bed and quickly got ready for the day, then walked to Ethan who was sliding his shoes on.

"Ready Mags?" He asked


We walked out of my house to Ethan's car where he drove us to his house. I looked at him grabbing his phone and taking the keys out of the ignition and smiled.

He's so naturally beautiful. I don't know how I got this lucky.

"What?" He smirked, questioning why I was staring at him.


He leaned in and kissed my lips.

We both got out of the car and walked inside his house where his mom greeted us from the living room.

"Hi kids."

"Hey ma." We walked over to Lisa and I gave her a hug.

"What did you two do this weekend? I feel like I haven't seen you in months." She looked at me ignoring Ethan as he walked upstairs.

"Mainly swimming, we just got our pool redone so we're finally able to swim in it again." I sat next to her and she paused the movie she was watching.

"Is he being nice to you? I know you two hit a few rough patches, but, I hope everything is going well now."

"He's amazing Lisa, he makes me very happy. And I know Grayson's happy too."

"I think you make Ethan better. Granted he's always been a great kid, but, whatever you've done, makes him happier too."

"Stop talking about me." Ethan smirked as he walked into the living room and sat in between us on the couch.

"I was asking if you're being good to Maggie."

"Of course I'm nice to Maggie. I'd never push her in the pool when she's tanning, or embarrass her in public places."

"Are you sure? Because that's exactly what you do to me everyday."

"I'm a good boyfriend." He got in my face and kissed my nose as I giggled at him.

"Of course you are." I pulled him in and kissed his lips and he hovered over me.

"Not with mom right next to you." Lisa said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Mom!" Ethan groaned about his moms reference and I giggled and held the side of his face looking at his frustration.

"Ethan. Hey." I tugged at his collar and he started looking down at me.

His eyes were warm. I couldn't look away from them, even if I wanted to.

"Yeah Mags?" He whispered grinning

"I love you." I whispered to him.

He immediately started smiling, then kissed my lips. "I love you too." He winked at me then moved from hovering over me, and cuddled into my lap, laying in between my thighs, and cuddling into my stomach.

I grabbed the remote and played the movie Lisa was watching, and soon heard Ethan's light snores.

I looked down at his closed eyes, and mouth that was slightly open, and played with his hair. He always says he loves when I do that.

I looked at the tv and soon realized I was growing tired too. I turned it off and fell asleep to the sound of Ethan's snores.


"Hey, E. Wake up." I ran my fingers through his hair and he soon sat up.

"How long was I sleeping?" He asked, half awake and rubbing his eyes.

"Like two hours." I said as I pulled my phone out to check the time.

"Ah. That was a good nap, thank you baby." He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, causing my stomach to explode.

"I took a nap too, so that's good." I smiled at him and he stood up, then walked to the kitchen.

I too stood up and walked to Ethan as he looked through the fridge for food to eat.

I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, kissing his shoulder.

"You're too cute." He turned around to face me, and held the sides of my face, bringing his lips close to mine. "I'm so glad you're my girlfriend." He smirked and pulled me in to kiss him.

"Let's go swimming." I raced Ethan upstairs to his room and beat him there. I grabbed my swimsuit from his top drawer and slid my shirt off facing away from him. "Don't hide, I like your body." He walked over to me, holding onto my hips, and he kissed my shoulder and slid his shirt off.

"Quickie?" He whispered in my ear and held my waist.

"It usually is, loser." I said as I pushed him on his bed.

"You're dead." He joked and crawled over me, kissing my lips.


Ahhhh! So that was the final chapter 😩

If you guys want an epilogue let me know, because I'll be more than willing to write one! I hope you guys liked the book, it means a lot seeing your comments, they make me smile.

Also, check out my newest book called Judge. I only have a few chapters up right now, but it'd be great if you read that book too!

Thank you guys for everything, and I'll see you later.

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