Chapter 6:New plan

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When he poured it on the ground he waited but nothing happened. " It didn't bloody work!" said Killian to himself. " Yes it did." said Emma walking up to him. " Swan!" exclaimed Killian running up to her and giving her a gigantic bear hug. " Oh how I missed you swan." said Killian touching her hair. " I missed you too." said Emma smiling. " Where are you? How do I find you?" asked Killian. "I am in a dungeon but Killian please don't come I don't want you to get hurt." said Emma tearing. " How many times do I have to tell you luv, I'm a survivor. " said Killian smiling. " I know but there is something you need to k-k-know." said Emma breaking up and before she could continue she went away. " Swan!" exclaimed Killian. " Well?" asked Snow, " did you see her?" " Aye but she went away before she could tell me where she was." said Killian. " Well we'll find her we will not give up." said David. " Lets go save my mom!" exclaimed Henry. " Aye lad we will but we don't know where she is; we have to be careful." said Killian. " Well how about we go to our loft and create a plan." said David," we don't know what we're up against; we have to be prepared for anything." " Then lets go." said Snow and with that they head to the loft to discuss the plan. " I think I should go alone." said Killian. " Absolutely not, I'm sorry but you don't know what is in that dungeon that Emma meant and you might need magic to back you up." said Regina crossing her arms. " Regina's right Killian you don't know what you'll be up against you need back up." said Snow. " I don't want any of you to get hurt." said Killian concerned. " We won't if we be careful." said Regina. " Very well just be careful." said Killian. " Alright lets go." said Regina and with that her, Snow and Killian go to look for this dungeon that Emma is in. They search and search but they can't find any sight of a dungeon.

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