Chapter 13:Nightmare

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After dinner, everyone says congratulations one more time before leaving. Emma and Killian stay to say goodbye to Snow and David. " Well I hope you have a great night and congratulations! " Snow exclaimed hugging them both.

David hugs Emma putting his hand on her head and then patting Killian on the shoulder. " Well goodnight!" David said opening the door for them. Emma and Killian go home to have a nice restful sleep. Emma on the other hand did not. She had strange dreams that night.

Emma is in her house sitting on the couch holding her new born in her arms. All of a sudden, the baby is consumed in a cloud of blue smoke and Hades appears with the baby in his hands grinning evilly. " I told you this baby would be mine!" he exclaims. " Leave my baby alone!" exclaimed Emma using her magic only to be blocked by Hades. Then, he disappears leaving a sobbing Emma in the room.

Emma wakes up with a start panting and covered in sweat. She sees her husband Killian sleeping peacefully beside her. She feels her stomach scared for her child's fate. She tries to go back to sleep but she can't because the dream she had is still haunting her. She wakes up the next morning with bags under her eyes.

Killian notices something was wrong. " Luv are you alright?" Killian asked concerned. " Yeah." said Emma tiredly. " Are you sure because it looks like you didn't get enough sleep last night. " Killian asked noticing the bags under Emma's eyes. " Well I'm fine." said Emma wanting this conversation to end. Killian senses this and leaves it for now.

The next night is nothing different. She has the same dream. This happens for about four nights in a row. She feels like enough is enough. She is going to Archie. Sure, she thought it was silly that she would trust the cricket more than her own husband but, she knows that Archie is pledged to keep his patients secrets. So, she calls him and makes an appointment.

On the day of the appointment she went to his office and went inside. They stayed in silence for a while until Archie asked," So Emma what has brought you here today?" Emma takes a deep breath and says,
" I...have been having dreams lately." Archie nods and writes something down.

" How long has these dreams been happening? " Archie asked calmly. " For about a week." Emma said sadly.
"What is the dream about?" Archie asked calmly. " It is always the same one. I am holding my baby and everything is fine but all of a sudden the baby disappears in a cloud of blue smoke and then Hades appears with the baby in his arms and poofs away." Emma says taking a deep breath. " Hades?" Archie asked not recognizing the name.
"God of death." said Emma.

Archie nodded before asking," And why would the god of death be haunting your dreams. " Emma takes a deep breath before revealing her big secret. " A week after my honeymoon when I came back to work Hades came in and threatened to steal my baby." Emma finished starting to tear up. Archie nods. "Now judging by the fact that you came here to talk has led me to discover that you haven't told your family." said Archie calmly. Emma nods.
"Why?" Archie asks curiously. " Because I don't want to worry anyone." Emma says plainly.

" Emma I know you feel like you could defeat any villain by your self but, now that you are pregnant you have to protect your child. Emma your family is there for you and is there to help with your problems. If you don't want to tell your parents yet at least tell Killian. " Archie said calmly trying to plead with Emma. Emma contemplates it for a moment before she says," I will." said Emma sighing and with that she said thankyou and left to tell Killian the secret that she has been keeping from him.

I hope you are enjoying this! Please comment your opinions and stay tuned for the next chapters!❤🍎

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