Chapter 23

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Emma was sitting at Granny's in a booth by herself to have some quiet time. Granny gave her a camomile tea telling Emma it was great for nerves. Her like everyone knew the drama they are dealing with.

She didn't see Ingrid anywhere so she thought it was fine to drink it. She drank the tea and for a second it was fine, but then she gasped and bent over.

" Emma! Are you ok?" Granny asked rushing over. " I think it is time to have the baby," Emma said. " I will call Killian," Granny said getting out her phone. Killian rushes in a few minutes later going to Emma.

" Emma?" Killian asked.
" Its time," said Emma panting but smiling. Killian nods and helps her out. He puts her in his truck and drives to the hospital. On the way he calls Snow, David, Regina, Robin and Henry. When they get to the hospital, they are all there already. Snow rushes to Emma and helps her out. They put her in a wheel chair and push her to the room. Emma lays down in bed and starts to scream in pain. Killian squeezes her hand for comfort. Henry is on the other side. Dr. Wale comes in and smiles. " Hello Emma how are you?" " Great!" exclaims Emma getting another contraction.
" Well, you are not ready yet, but will be soon." Emma nods and sighs when the contraction stopped. " Emma you weren't supposed to have this baby for weeks," Snow said. " Well, there is something I need to tell you. I have been seeing Neal, Graham and Ingrid. They have been spying on Hades and telling me what he is doing. Ingrid told me that they planned on speeding up my pregnancy; that is why Hades needed Gothel.
" Why didn't you tell us you were seeing ghosts?" Regina asked. " Because they told me not to tell anyone and I thought we had enough drama," Emma said. " You saw my dad? How is he?" Henry asked. " He's fine I guess," said Emma smiling. " You guess?" Henry asked.
" Well, he is a ghost," said Emma chuckling. Everyone started laughing, but then Emma got another contraction and started screaming. Killian and Henry held her hands while the rest stood around waiting for Wale. When he comes back he tells them all," It is time." Emma gets in the position and Wale says," Ok Emma 1...2...3!" Emma screams and pushes as hard as she can. She takes a break and takes a deep breath sweating. Snow is there with a wet washcloth. " Ok, Emma you need to push again;one...two...three!" Emma screams and pushes again harder.
" Alright I see the head, in more time Emma and I think they will be out!" Emma pushes her hardest and after a few more pushes they hear a baby crying. " Congratulations Emma it's a girl," Wale said smiling and wrapping the new baby in a pink blanket. He hands her over to Emma. Emma and Killian look at their new daughter smiling. She has black hair and green eyes.

Hope you are enjoying this! Please comment and stay tuned for more!❤❤

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