Chapter 36

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Kayden~ Still on for the coffee tonight?

Me~ Yes. I'll be there at creams at four.

Kayden~See you at four.

Me~ See ya

I put my phone down on the coffee table as I got up from the couch. I pressed the select button on the remote it was twelve I was doing alright for time.

I walked over to the kitchen and opened the cupboard, I searched for my peanut butter but couldn't find any again.

I let out a massive sigh. Can't go anywhere to get some because Cole has gone and out he needs to do some things.

My phone starts to ring I walked over to the coffee table and picked it up I answer it.

"Gray is on his way to pick you up."Aiden said quickly over the phone. "Be ready."

"Why? What's happened?"

"I don't know how can I do this anymore. Everything is going pear shaped. Everything was fine before."

"Calm down Aiden. What's wrong?"

His voice broke. "What isn't wrong Ivy? What hasn't gone wrong?"

"I'm coming okay! Just calm yourself down Aiden. You won't be of use if you are like this."

He cuts the phone off without even saying bye. I grab my jacket and my bag. The door knocks I walked over to the door and opened it.

To see Grayson there his hand going through his hair muttering. He looks at me. "Are you ready?"

I nod and he takes a step back I walked forward and turned around I closed the door then locked it.

We walked down to elevator. I look at him as we wait for it to come up. "What's happened?"

He doesn't answer just tapped his feet against the carpet.


I walked into the house to see Aiden there his eyes brimmed with tears as he picked up a vase.

He was just about to throw it onto the floor. "Aiden!"

He stopped and looked up to see me standing in the doorway of the living room.

Uncle Ben was in the room so was Bryce. Bryce had tears running down his face and was biting his nails.

"What's happened?"I asked as I stepping into the living room trying to stay clear of the broken pieces all over the floor.

"I'm due to go back to New York."Uncle Ben replied. "And I want to take Heath with me. He needs a change of scenery and he's not happy here at the moment."


Bryce looked at me. I looked at him my fist curled into a fist. "Are you seriously considering this Bryce?"

Bryce just doesn't say anything and bites on his nail.

I looked at Uncle Ben. "How are you going to look after him? Eh? He needs care every single day."

"I'm going to work from home therefore I'll be there for him and able to work. I might have to go in for one day and I'll bring him along with me or I hire a nurse to be with him for a few hours."Uncle Ben explained as he looked at us. "I wouldn't put him in any harm. I love him and I love all of you guys. You gotta understand that I'm not doing this because I don't believe you can look after him I think you can but you guys need a break."

"What if we don't want a fucking break?!"Aiden yelled on the top of his lungs. "We all had a plan set out!"

"You can still visit him. It's only New York."Uncle Ben added

"Which is on the other side of the whole damn country!"

Bryce looked at Uncle Ben. "Have you asked Heath about this? Approach him about this?"

Uncle Ben nodded. "I just suggested it and he said he would love to go."

I let out a sigh and sat down on the couch. "You are going to be there for him aren't you?"

Uncle Ben nodded. "And for youse for everything."

Aiden looked at me. "Are you going to for this? You think New York is going to be better for him than staying with us?"

"He wants to go."

Aiden lets out a sigh and walked out of the living room I followed him into the kitchen.

"Look Aiden, if Heath didn't want to go then I would honestly fight for it but he wants to go."

His back turned to me. His muscles reflexed but he doesn't saying anything at all.


He slammed his hand down and turned around to me. Tears rolled down his face. "I've already got one brother six feet under and the other one is going to the other side of the country! I'm losing all of you guys and I promised that I would never lose you guys."

"You won't!"I objected as my hands leaned against the surface. "At least Heath is here. We can see him all the time."

"Do you know how hard it is? To walk pass that room? Or when I have to walk in to wake up Gray? The other day I found myself on Finn's side of the room telling him to wake up! I just stare at the fucking door. And the pictures which are on the fireplace! I wish it was me then him. At least he would of saw a slice of life."

"Don't fucking say that okay! Everything will be fine."

"How do you fucking know that? Go on use your physic fucking powers then! Tell me! Enlighten me!"

"Just give it time."

"Time! URGH I fucking hate that word I'm sick of it! What the hell is fucking time going to do? Is it going to turn itself backwards so I can see Finn again or can I see Heath smile in his face when he strums on his gutiar and hums to its chords?!"

"Fuck you Aiden! Everyone wants to turn back time. Everyone wants a different ending or a different start! But you can't! It fucking life Aiden and you have to suck it up!"

Aiden just looked at me and walked out of the kitchen and I heard the front door slammed shut.


I left home a few hours after that, I stayed with Heath for a bit and just chatted to Evan.

I pushed the door opened to creams, I walked in to see Kayden sat there in a booth with a cup of coffee in front of him.

I walked over to the booth and took a seat. To see a strawberry milkshake in front of me with a cherry on top.

I took a sip of it and looked at him. "Thank you."

He smiled. "You are welcome you look drained out."

"Don't ask."

"Well we have all the time in the world."

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