11. That Kind Of Feeling

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I awoke with a start, my ears ringing painfully. All around me, figures flickered and ran in and out of focus as I attempted to clear my mind.

Where was I? 

Cold crisp air rushed around me in a flurry, picking up dry dead leaves at my side. I was laying on a sandy floor, but it was not warm to the touch. Slowly, I picked myself up, blinking hard to try and be rid of the swimming images before me. I was in some sort of cave, with dark green grass growing at the stone walls and small flowers peeking through the thin blades. Something told me that if I simply brushed them with my fingers that they would crumble at my touch. The cave was dim and cold, but I knew at least that there was an entry point because of the steady flow of wind making my skin erupt with goosebumps. My hands shook at my sides, and as I raised them to my face, I saw red cuts lining at random along my arms. I tried to remember how they got there, but as I did the headache and ringing in my ears came back, hazing my mind with pain. I grimaced, dropping my hands.

For now I would just try to figure out where I was.

Stepping forward on my weak ankles, a faint whooshing sound filled my ears. A reflection of water danced on the stone walls of the stretching cave, creating shimmering patterns like silver mist. The whooshing sound became louder as the cave opened up, revealing a pool of water, not big enough to be a lake or a river, although. It glowed with a magical aura, reflecting the glimmering stones on the ceiling of the cave.

Nostalgia came over me, and I felt a wetness on my pink, damp cheeks, already knowing that it was tears. But why, I couldn't remember. 

I found myself at the water's edge, and it rippled with my presence. Greenish plants stuck up out of the pool, waving with the effect of the water's movement. The cave seemed to stretch even further onwards in different directions, but I was pretty content with just sitting by the pool. I could stay here for hours and hours...

"Pretty, isn't it?" A voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts, making me jump. I whirled around, looking for the source, and found... a girl. She looked awfully familiar, and the way she smiled at me without a care in the world was uncanny to...

"Frisk?" I spoke, surprisingly myself with my weak voice. How did I know that name? I didn't know that name, nor this person, but...

"Yeah, that's me. I was wondering when you would join me here." The girl sighed. She was sat on a rock away from me, tapping her feet  nonchalantly on the sandy floor. 'Frisk' wore a purple and blue striped jumper that looked extremely cosy, and some skinny jeans. Her chocolate brown hair was resting on her shoulders, and around her neck was a simple silver necklace. She stroked it absentmindedly, as if it meant a great deal to her. But there was something else there... her form flickered suddenly, as if she was a mere hologram.

"Y/n, right? It's nice to meet you." She smiled, dropping her hand from her necklace. Just looking at it made my heart ache.

"Where am I? How do I... How do I know you?" the panicky edge to my voice unsettled me, as if being here was wrong, very wrong.

"This is Waterfall, a section of the Underground. But, if you've gathered, we aren't really underground, and this place isn't all here, just like you and me." At her words I glanced down at my body to find it also slightly see-through. I was trying to pretend that little observation wasn't freaking me out in the slightest. "You know me because... Well, it's complicated. Stuff to do with timelines." Frisk sighed, her dark eyelashes shielding her eyes eerily. My small trust in her wavered in that moment.

"Timelines? Is it something to do with G?" Where were these words coming from? Who was G? Wait, I knew who that was, right? My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I almost didn't notice how Frisk stiffened at my words.

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