Bonding Time?

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I was smiling across the room at Lexa, who was deep in conversation with Marcus.

"Clarke?  Did you hear a word I just said?" My mother broke in, sounding irritated.  Though she had good reason.  That was the fourth time in the last ten minutes that I've zoned out.

"Sorry, no." I said, wrenching my gaze away from Lexa to look at my mom.

"Clarke you really have lost your sense of focus.  You used to be the one that stayed focused longer than me." My mother said, exasperated.

"Sorry." I repeated.

She sighed, "It's okay.  I really do have to wonder sometimes what you see in the Commander though."

"She's different around me Mom.  She's not cold and ruthless and heartless around me.  She's sweet and kind and loving." I said, eyes shining as I talked about the good parts of her.  Then I chuckled, "Plus I used to wonder what you saw in Marcus."

She chuckled, "I guess so.  Maybe one day Lexa will relax around me enough that I can see what you see."

We both jumped as there was a thud from where Marcus and Lexa had been and I spun my head around to see that it had been the sound of Ontari being flipped over and ending up on the floor, her impact on the wooden floor being what made the thud.

"What the hell?!?" I exclaimed.

Lexa, meanwhile, had an amused grin on her face, "I told you you would never be able to sneak up on me Ontari." She said.

Marcus looked just as alarmed as I felt and I was sure my mother didn't look much better if she was better at all.

"Spare me the lecture Commander.  I almost did it." Ontari retorted.

Lexa chuckled, shaking her head, and let the Azgeda girl up.  "I was stating a fact.  I told you you wouldn't be able to and you just proved me right."

"How do you know I didn't mean for that to happen?"

"Even if you meant for it to happen like that, I think I win." Lexa chuckled.

Ontari sighed, "Great, now she has more bragging rights." She said.

I chuckled at that statement.

"I do not brag!"

"Of course you don't." Ontari teased.

Suddenly Octavia flew out from behind a book case (we were in a library near the tower) and tackled Lexa to the ground.  I stood to get a better view.  The two were rolling around on the floor, both trying to pin the other.

Ontari had a grin and I suddenly realized that she had been hinting that she had a plan when she'd offered that she meant for it to happen.

Finally Octavia managed to pin Lexa.  "Ontari wins." She stated, then got up.  Offering Lexa her hand, she helped her up as well.

"I should have known that would happen." Lexa said, chuckling.

"Of course you should have!  I'm not one to go into battle without a plan." Ontari stated, a teasing note in her voice.

"Plans-" Lexa began.

"Do not last long in battle!" I cut her off by finishing the phrase that was all too familiar.

"Clarke!" Lexa exclaimed trying to be annoyed but clearly amused.

"Yes hodnes (love)?" I asked innocently.

"I have proven that to be true many times."

"You mean like getting tackled to the ground by Octavia while trying to tell Ontari that she can't surprise you?" I teased, ignoring the obvious example she was hinting at.

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