A Proposal Pt 2

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I waited outside of the room like Raven had insisted.  Occasionally I would hear something from the inside as she moved things trying to find where she'd put the necklace.

Then another thought occurred to me.

What if when she found the necklace she realized exactly what she was saying yes to and double thought it?

A familiar feeling slammed into me and I spun on my heel, dashing away from the door.

Rather quickly I found a dark, dead-ended corridor and slipped into it.

I felt my knees buckle under me as pain encompassed my body.  I felt myself connect with the stone floor but hardly noticed it around the pain that seemed to set every inch of me on fire.

This had happened so many times before that I couldn't begin to count.

The first ones had been when Lexa had come to Polis to train after she'd been found to be a Natblida (Nightblood).  I had been so scared then, so scared for her and so scared that I would have to fight her in the Conclave.  I used to have these attacks every night.

After I had fled the Conclave most of them stopped, except a few.  The only person that had ever known was my houmon (husband) and it was because he had walked in on one.  He had tried to help but...  It had only made it worse.

After he died I'd started having more again, always making sure that no one found out.  I had always concealed them, which was easier since they usually struck at night.

After I had come here seeking revenge for his death and been captured I met Raven.  After I came here they had stopped completely.

Until now.

I took in a sharp breath as the pain intensified for a moment, my body writhing without my control.

I wasn't sure how long passed, time blurred together when you were in this kind of pain, and then I heard echoing footsteps.

As the pain seemed to double for a few moments, I whimpered involuntarily.

"Luna?" Raven's worried voice cut through the pain as the footsteps slowed and slowly approached.

I didn't reply, my eyes squeezed closed.

"Luna what's wrong?" She sounded worried now and I felt her hand on my shoulder.

Unlike I had expected, no extra pain came but I still couldn't find it in me to speak.

I felt her moving me, pulling me into her lap.  Her hand brushed hair out of my face and slowly I opened my eyes.

The world was blurred and I blinked a couple times, bringing Raven's worried face into focus.

I could feel the pain slowly fading as she held me.  Why she was silent I don't know but I was thankful for it.

As the last of the pain drained from my body, the familiar after-exhaustion rushed in to take it's place.

My eyes fell shut and I relaxed, curling into her.

"Luna?  Luna?!?" Raven's voice was alarmed and I could hear her fear.

I forced my eyes open, meeting her gaze, "I'm alright Raven." I said softly, giving her a small smile.

She let out a disbelieving huff, "Then what did I just see?"

I shook my head slightly, "Don't worry about it." I said softly, wanting to do nothing more than sleep.

"It wasn't nothing Luna." Raven sounded so scared.

I let out a breath, "I promise Raven, I will explain everything.  But I'm exhausted." I said softly, forcing my arm to cooperate and cupping her cheek.

She nods, "Alright, promise accepted.  Let me help you to our room." She said.  I could tell she was still worried but was willing to set it aside for now.

I nodded, "Alright."

With her help, I stood, leaning on her as my legs shook.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked worriedly.

I nodded, "Yeah.  I'm just really tired." I said softly.

She nodded, "Alright.  Oh wait!" She paused, grabbing something out of her pocket.  "I think this is yours." She said, pulling out a small necklace with a black bird charm on it - a raven.

I smiled, "Thank you." I said softly.

She grinned, "It's the least I can do." She said lightly.

(Next chapter, Luna explaining (probably).  May we meet again!)

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