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Life since my sister left for college has not been in the best condition. My mom changed, went mad and didn't try to hide it. The woman whom I went to in my doubts and pain was now the cause of my tears. First, occasionally, hitting and bruising me until it was an everyday activity. Regardless of my behaviour or any type resistance. Therefore, I gave up on trying. It was pointless.

"Lil' bitch," my mother slurred as her drunk frame slipped through the front door. "I thought you'd be asleep. Well, you know what you're getting" Even when pissed drunk and had poor diction, she could always find a way to beat me.

I walked towards her as she slouched into the old yet soft and fluffy brown couch. It was our only house item not completely falling at the seams despite its old age. I positioned my small body across her lap, belly down, and she proceeded to lift my skirt. Her hand moved slowly over my bottom before raising her hand and moving it towards my exterior at a painfully fast speed. I would have screamed, because honestly it hurt a lot, but as I said this was everyday. I had gotten used to it so nothing but a mere whimper had left my mouth.

"If..... I had the strength, I would so fuck you right now,"

Did I forget to mention my mothers tends to forget were related and occasionally slips her fingers in and out of me.

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