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The day with my sister turned odd quickly. We were having fun but she went off after a while, talking 'bout someone wasn't dead or something like that. She even drifted off the road while driving car many times and barely said bye to me when she dropped me off.

But you know what, I had bigger problems to face, like my mother's wrath when I open this door.

I clenched my butt checks and breathed out slowly before entering the keys into the rusting door. Trying to hold a poker face when seeing your very abusive mother observe your every move from the couch, as breathing down your neck, was not the most pleasant event. I wished for her to continue with the uncomfortable silence but my wish remained ungranted when she opened her mouth.

I was literally so close to my bedroom.

"Kay?" she waited for me to turn around. As if speaking to a new born, she continued mumbling. "We need to talk,"

Swallowing the lump that attempted to form in my throat, my feet took step after step, bending and straightening, like my knees were fearful of giving out. I forced my tense body  to sit on the accompanying couch chairs. My mother, looking dejected, patted on the sunken place on the  couch beside her. I slowly moved beside her, scanning her body for any odd behaviour to give off the hints of a set up.

The air becoming more stifling than before, I struggled to breath. She seemed to notice and tried to loosen the feeling with a 'joke' , "Ehhh... don't worry. I'm not trying to rape you, or anything," she chuckled fakely. Seeing that I was not persuaded to laughter by the comedic gods, she cleared her throat, and began her very sappy bullshit story.

A/N: The next chapter really tells what they spoke about in more detail so don't worry. (if you even were)

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