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"Where's Jay?" I asked Kimberly about her boyfriend that came to visit with her. I had seen him for about five minutes when he first came, but he isn't here anymore. Come to think of it, I haven't seen my 'mother' either.

However, this meeting isn't about them. I have this small amount of time with my sister before who knows when. Im going to spend this time to forgot about my current life.

"I don't know," she replies, pouring the macaroni into the boiled water. "He never stays around long enough,"

"Kimmy, tell me something, do you really love him? Do you see a good future with him?" I dared to ask.

"Well," she hesitated, changing her focus from the pot to me, "It could happen. He has potential to be a beautiful husband,"

I didn't really like her answer but I had been daring enough. I was weary of Jay and his intentions; he just didn't seem good enough for my sister. He just has a suspicious aura.

I stayed in thought until Kimberly had finished and set the dining table for us. "Kim, can I ask you one more thing?" Kimberly signalled for Kay to continue by nodding her head slowly.

"What really was daddy like?" I hadn't remembered much. I was young when he died and the only prominent memory I had was of being rejected each day.

Kimberly's eyes tinkled at the mention of our dad. "He was my saviour; our saviour. He was a prince charming; he was there when no else was. Until, he wasn't."

I took in everything she told me. It can't be, someone that is claimed to be so vital in my life, barely takes up any of my memory. I longed to for a good memory with my father reappear. But, it seemed hopeless.

"Kay, baby girl, you gone?" Kimberly snapped her fingers in front of my face while smiling. "I just lost you.....damn," her sweet giggles escaped from her thick lips. "Imma tell you something, I don't know if you remember but

Kimberly's POV

I looked our the window in anticipation of my dad's return from  work. Mommy was making dinner and Kay was taking a nap. I was bored and I needed Daddy's attention.

I screamed suddenly when seeing his car pull up. "Daddy's home," My little shouts of excitement awoke my younger sister. Her tired form slouched out of them room, with her clothes twisted about. Her new expression contrasted the image of her clothes.

"Really?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes!!! Let's go!!" I pushed open the door and we ambushed our father who was walking in.

"Hi, guys. I'm really tired today. Do you wanna stay inside today?" he pleaded.

"Okay dada," Kay leaded him into the master bedroom. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Let's build a fort?"

We played I'm the inside fort for some hours, not even wanting to leave when Mom called us for lunch. Telling this to anyone else seems irrelevant but it proves how our dad was dedicated to us regardless of his current mood. I love him.

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