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I made my way to school, neglecting to look up at the sky and kept my eyes on the concrete path. I do this to block my surroundings out. So, it wasn't surprised when I failed to notice another body appear to my right. She spoke cheerfully, announcing her presence and I slowly lifted my head to face her.

"Hi Kay" my friend, KJ, smiled out, showing her pearly whites. I replied accordingly and we made the rest of the walk to school silently.

The day moved by peacefully, despite the constant questions and concerns about my exposed bandaged wounds from acquaintances and nosy teachers.

At lunch, KJ and I went to the library because we had a pair project to finish for the next period. However, one thing led to another and the project was totally abandoned and we were just goofing off.

"I'm an eleeeephant," KJ chuckled, mimicking the elephant's trunk with her hand and stretching the word. A series of loud laughs erupted from my mouth, earning a booting from the librarian. It wasn't even funny but anything would make us laugh because we were a little high of life by this moment.

Sadly, the moments end and afternoon classes continue. Whith the second half of the day moving slower than the first, school was finally over and I would have her hour of freedom before heading home.

KJ and I bid goodbye and I began down the familiar secluded path to my usual stopping area. While walking, cold hands attacked my body and I was dragged face first into the pink wall.

My heart raced and questioned my chances to live until I heard a playful, "It's me,". I know that voice.

"Why are you trying to kill me like that Kimmy?"

"Just for fun," I swear this girl is 21 yet acts like she's my baby sister. "Let's go somewhere, I barely see you these days. You make me feel guilty," she pouted.

"I need to get home though,"

"I'll just tell Mama why you're a little late,"

"Do you want this or this?" Kay held up the two blouses, debatingly, as it was the most important thing.

"It really doesn't matter. The colour is LITERALLY the only difference," I rolled my eyes, getting bored of looking through clothes.

"You know what? Since, you're so annoyed. I'm buying both," Kimberly sassed, walking mockingly to the cashier.

She returned after a few minutes and they left the store together. They found a food place and ate quietly, only bringing up conversations here and there.

"....I don't know...She never..," Kimberly's gaze turned to look out the clear window and it stayed there. She abandoned our conversation, staring dead straight outside.

She looked back to her food, shaking her head slowly. Like she was either trying process something or trying to deny something. Or both at the same time. It's confusing to watch.

"You good, Kimmy?" I started worrying.

"I just saw him. He's not dead," she looked up at me with a dazed yet alerted expression.

What the hell?

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