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2 weeks later.....

"We call Ms. Jezebel-Ann Winter and Jonathan Wright to their respective stands,"

They were sworn in and walked briskly to their stands. Jonathon wore a grey suit with a black under shirt and Jezebel was dressed in a simple black dress. This was the most sophisticated look Kay had ever beheld of her mother.

Kay and Kimberly sat behind their father in the victim seats, while Jay accompanied his mother.

"Mr. Plaintiff," Judge Hannah began, ruffling through her papers. "Claiming Ms. Winter has committed child abuse in both sexual and physical aspects. And Ms. Defendant, counter-claiming that the plaintiff has failed to pay child support and had violated his restraining order. Mr. Wright, please present your case,"

Jonathon cleared his throat before beginning, "My daughter, whom is too young to present, a minor if I may, is a direct victim of Ms. Winter's actions. She has received many bruises and cuts but most importantly, she, her mentality, has been affected. For years, since 8, she has faced continuous physical abuse. The sexual abuse has been going on for about two years now. She is only now 14,"

"Mr. Wright, is there any evidence for your claims?" The judge questioned, quite coldly. She probably had gotten desensitized to these heartless persons committing these disgusting crimes.

"Yes, actually," he turned to Kimberly, who had prepared her phone. The security present in the court house brought the smart phone to the judge and the video began.

It showcased Kay's weeping form when Kimberly had found her that day. Secretly, Kimberly had filmed the encounter because she knew one day she would need it. It showed the fresh cuts on Kay's arm and the new cigarette burn bright red and pouring out puss.

The phone was returned when the video ended and the healing scar on Kay's body was examined and found to be a match.

The three breathed out in relief and had a small victory party in their minds before returning to the problem at hand.

"It is your turn, Mr. Winter, please defend yourself and present your counter claims,"

Jezebel gathered the sweetest and most formal voice she could muster, then began, "Dear Judge, I plead not guilty to all charges against me. I have never done anything but love and care for my daughter so I am unaware of the reason of her opposition. Any who," she moved on, quite emotionless, Mr. Wright, over there, has  failed to pay child support on many occasions and even right now is violating the ten year restraining order I have filed against him and both my children," she finished proudly, smirking lightly over at the three.

"Judge, if I may object,"


"I have paid every month of child support for both daughters for 11 years straight. And there is evidence of my cheques and receipt over every encounter with the agency, right on my e-mail,"

"Now, Ms. Winter, if I didn't know who believe, I would go with Mr. Wright because you even have the voice of a smoker," The judge scrolled through the e-mail she was given. "And these cheques date back to 2004. When it started, I presume,"

"And as for the restraining order, I admit to it of course," Defeat evident in his voice as he looked down, fusing his eyes together.

Even though the court seemed neck and neck, Jezebel and her team weren't at ease. She slightly turned to her lawyer and whispered sternly, "Get me out of this,"

So, he took over. "Mrs. Judge, may I request for Ms. Kay Wright to approach the bench?" She nodded slowly.

Kay shook lightly, she never expected to be called up and now she was expected to speak and defend herself. Her frail body hit the large cold seat and her stomach sank to her toes.  A dry gulp when down her throat as the lawyer began , "Well, Ms. Wright, why didn't you speak of your misfortune before? Did this man happen to persuade your opinions out of dislike and spite for your mother?" He pointed back at Jonathon, without even turning his body.

"N..no." she began to stutter. She needed to deny the accusations and keep her father's name clean but they mountain of words that built up in her brain only made it harder for them to leave her mouth. "I did... I did it because, I...lo..ved her."

"Ha," Cynical laughter erupted from the lighter man. "You see, your honour, how should you believe her claims, if she says she loves her mother? You don't do this to someone you love," The laughter never stopped, as his taunting eyes peered into her soul. These eyes would be in her nightmares. "So, tell me this, why so eager for her to be locked up now?" He approached her, their faces only centimetres away. His hot breath hit her face, sending chills of fear down her spine. He whispered, almost seductively, "You didn't enjoy it?"

The questioned stunned her, numbing her mouth from further speech. She gazed up in fear at the older man, her lips quivered and a lone tear escaped from her left eye. Completely unaffected, the man squeaked out in pride, "That will be all, Your Honour,"

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