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This entire story is dedicated to JJReaders (James). She has been a true supporter, always voting, commenting and giving good advice.

The book is finally DONE. That's it basically but thank you for the current support and thank you for the future support, in advance.

I'm requesting if readers would please rate the book, out of 10. And leave some comments of my writing style, if you'd like. No hate will tolerated and the comments will deleted.

In the duration of writing and uploading the book, it has garnered 300+ views. Thank you again for reading this book that I've put so much effort into.


1 year later......

A year after Jezebel's sentencing, It had somehow come to be that the sisters would be visiting her. She just had a small piece of hope that her mother had regret.

"Whatever happens in there. I'm behind you," they intertwined their fingers. Moisture creepef from Kay's hands as her anxiety increased. It's now or never.

They entered the divided area. The walls coated in gray and black. Only a set of bars separated her from the abuser. Jezebel raised her head and looked in disgust at the pair.

She insulted and practically spat in the faces for the position 'they put her in'. "As if you didn't cause this shit yourself. Who told you to walk harrassing children like it was your duty," Kimberly retaliated being gritted teeth, resisting the urge to slap her mother.

"And what's ever worse," she added lightheartedly, "the whole "get-to-know" each other part of our lives, it was just play. And let me tell you, it's the most hilarious thing ever. You thought I love you," she laughed loudly, intending the scare the younger girl. "You're scum just like your father," her demeanour changed, exuding extreme anger. "You are even making your brother rot in here with me because of your jealousy.

In contrast, Kay was embarrassed. She was betrayed that her own mother didn't even love her. She couldn't even find her heart like she had. This embarrassment quickly transferred to anger and disgust. She would lay it out, the way it needed to be said from the beginning.

"You know, I cried because of you. I cut because of you, I threw up because of you. I was so close to death because of you. and I'm freaking glad I'm finally done with you," all embarrassment had evaporated and she had lit a fire on her mother's ass. "You have done NOTHING but torture me for the last three years of my life. Even after you're arrest, I had dreams of you coming to me in the night and continuing your deeds. I had dreams of your lawyer tearing a part limb by limb. Right now, I'm extremely happy that I can truly say you're existence I'd removed from my memory. I am not apart of you. You are not my mother. You are not even dead to me because at this point, you were never born,"

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