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For readers who were left in confusion in chapter 24, here is a small summary of what's going on.

The chapter was basically a summary of the entire book in symbolism.

The constant running obviously symbolizes Kay running from her problems, never confronting or speaking about them. She told no one and suffered by herself for the most part.

The ground being on fire was a symbol of no rest. Even when it seems she could calm down, her get away points would also cause trauma. Like in the chapter, this was a dream. Dreams are escapes from the world but she even saw her 'terrible' life in her dreams.

The cool rocks and oasis represent the break she got when her and her mother began to get closer and then the violent shaking was the cigarette incident.

Now for the climax, the images: her dad, her mom, her sister and Jay. Even though, her dad and her sister were on her side. They still caused conflict in her life when disputing with the others. So, it all contributed to one big monster, chasing her around.

The familiarity: her old house
When she ran towards the house, the monster began to fade. And when she went inside it was her dad and, before they were revealed, his wife and baby. So, in a sense, the old house represents her home because no matter the structure, your home is where your family is (In most cases). Where as, it didn't have the same out ward appearance as her dad's house. It kinda was.

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