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Kimberly's POV

I absent-mindedly steered the wheel of my small car, my mind kept drifting to her cuts. The blood rushing from her veins. The possibility of her bleeding to death if I hadn't come when I did.

She slept almost angelic on the backseat. How could someone seeming so perfect could resort to such a violating action?

"How could you do this?" I asked, letting my everlasting impenetrable front down.

"Because I can't" She answered, staring directly into my eyes. Her eyes rid of every emotion and feeling. However, her face dropped in sadness, I've never seen from her, the sight breaking my heart into pieces.

My brain subconsciously brought back the memory of at least thirty minutes ago. Hence, it was still fresh in my mind and would probably would be cemented forever.

"What the fuck?" I screamed in anger at my mother, yet held Kay's body ever so gently. The blood from her arms flowed like a river; it wouldn't stop. I looked at her in concern when she flinched, then back at my mother, my anger returning. "How could you do this? I trusted you. I loved you," the last part coming out as a whisper as I looked at her in disgust.

"It's not hard when you been hurt too. It's not hard when you're own fucking daughter reminds her every day of the biggest mistake in her life," she retaliates. But sorry, pity parties won't work now.

"Does it look like I care? Does it really?" I waved my free hand in her face. "You know what, Dad was so much better than you. And I knew this from the start. This type of bullshit wouldn't have happened with him,"

"Well too bad, he's dead then," she said, almost like she was mocking my 'lack of knowledge'. Well I have one or two secrets up my sleeve as well.

"He's not," I stated simply, her countenance faltering a bit but it recovered as quickly as it fell.

Smirking along with her next comeback. "Well, it doesn't  affect you, I guess," she spoked coy. "He's not your real dad,"

Well she got me there. And Kay was gone. I forgot she there, shit. I could handle this revelation in front of mother but I know she couldn't.

If that's the woman she had to deal with when I was gone, I understand more the reasons for her actions. However, I never want my little sister, no matter how hurt or depressed to resort to cutting. I am her old sister, my purpose is to provide, protect and listen. And each time I reminded her, she replied with the same shamed "I know", playing with her fingers and staring out the window.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Kay is my half sister. The father that I've been hunting down and found for the months now, wasn't mine. The man I had waiting at my university to reunite with his daughter, has no blood ties to me. Half of my life had been I lie and the other half was an even bigger one.

An ache creeper into my head and I ducked my head in pain. When my eyes returned to the road in front of me, it was blurry. Until it wasn't anymore.

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