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It was now Saturday night.

Kimberly and Jay had left along with any chance of my happiness and my mother had reappeared from the depths of hell.

"Kay Alisa Wright, Come here," Most children would hear a stern rendition of their full names when in trouble, the gag is, I had done nothing wrong.

I took bold steps towards her. I would never allow her to see my fear, it would continuously be used against me. Even when she pulled out her stick, I didn't finch. I couldn't allow myself to.

"This is what you get for being born," she pulls me towards her and slams my face on the adjacent wall. "You don't deserve life!" She screamed angrily into my ear.

My nose pained and I managed to bring my eyes to look down, where I saw splashes of fresh blood on the living room wall.

She took her favourite makka (thorn) stick from behind her and began beating my bare back. I cried out softly, trying to remain calm yet release the pain building up inside my body. I held it until I had the feeling of my skin being torn off. She had been drawing her stick on my back, releasing more blood with each pull.

A eerie silence takes over the living room, when I can no longer make and sound. Her action ceases and my body limps, slumping to the floor. The little energy of my soul depleting quickly.

She tossed the stick at my laying body and falls down kneeling beside me, "A man like him doesn't deserve her, but he's still better than me,"

What does that even mean?

Unfortunatelyly, my brain has no chance to process the data when time slows down and the earth goes black.

AbuseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя