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Kay's POV

I ran from the large and oncoming school gate. My breaths shortened and my chest, feeling extremely constricted, heaved heavily. My vision was getting clouded but I couldn't stop running.

Why was it following me?

I wouldn't be able to run for much longer. My legs can't bear it. I momentarily glanced down to see that the pavement I was currently on was on fire. So, I pushed my pains to the back of my mind and ran faster. I changed gear to the East, upon seeing an oasis not far down. The school gates lost speed on me and were soon out of sight.

I rested my body on the cool rocks of the oasis, after taking a drink of water. The cold traveled down my spine like an electric shock and branched out to my limbs, cooling everywhere down. I finally felt at ease.

But, where am I?

I sat up groggily to try to catch a glimpse of where I was, but the Earth began to shake. Violently. I was being flung from left to right; I clung to what was left of the tree for support as the movement continued. Whilst, the shaking went on, I saw Kimberly, Jezebel, my Dad, Jay, as if ghosts in the sky. Their images all contributed to the distortion and shaking going on in my world. Their images came together and formed one big monster, whom was unrecognizable at first. The combined being, then, transformed from just a image in the sky to being in front of me. With a smirk plastered on its face, it looked up.

It began chasing me.

I quickly let go of the tree and began running, again, amidst the trembling. The figure followed, and close behind. Each time I glanced  back, it resembled a different person of which it was created.

My eyes analyzed my surroundings, searching for anything of familiarity to seek refuge in. But, I only saw one thing, the place I had called home for my first 13 years.

It was the only place I knew. I had to go there.

So, I ran to it and I when I looked back again, the monster began to disappear. It didn't calm me however, I still ran to the house and locked to the door tight.

Then, the shaking stopped.

I peeked through the windows and the figure was completely gone. And when I finally turned around to survey the house. I didn't see my mother or my sister.

I saw him, my dad.

An unknown woman and a boy around ten.

The older man that I had just gotten to know, sat with opened arms. And I ran to him, embracing my future.

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