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The darkness of my room was luminated by the bright light peering through my windows.

My head pained as I attempted to lift it from the flattened pillow. I observed my body, confused at the new bandages covering my wounds from earlier. My memory was fuzzy but I remember most of what happened yesterday. I'm just confused to how these are bandaged in the first place, I definitely didn't do it.

My bedroom door cracked open, letting in a small chill from the outside room. I suddenly felt the need for my blanket but I was in no condition to move.

My mother entered silently, her chocolate skin contrasting her white pleated work uniform. She sat calmly on the edge of the bed and forced my mouth open. She then placed two spoon fulls of what tasted like cornmeal porridge in my mouth. The warm substance burned as it travelled down my sore throat, 'til it finally reached its destination. She patiently watched my actions and proceeded to place the bowl on the ground beside my bed.

This was all done in silence. A silence that I couldn't understand. A totally uncomfortable silence.

She rose from my sinking bed, straighting her skirt and made way to the exit. At the door, she finally broke the silence, still almost inaudiably, she spoke, "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that yesterday. But, you have school tomorrow, eat up"

Then, she left. Left me confused and disgusted.

And with all my might, all my perplexed, I let out the loudest scream to ever leave my mouth. Only to have it crack. I can't keep it in anymore; this was all just too much.

Why did she have to be so confusing? One day, she beats my ass, the next she's up my ass and now she's apologizing.

Apology accepted.


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